My wife and I have been practicing NFP for child spacing up until now (sympto-thermal). My wife’s present medical condition has caused anxiety and scrupulousness in avoiding dry days, and other times early in the cycle — the anxiety itself being the major problem. (We have sought medical advice already). Presently and for the past two years, low hormonal levels + low motivation have made her charting a source of tension rather than of good.
When I read the FAQ on ovulation prediction kits (OPK), the standard perspective that as a “contraceptive” device they are useless — since sperm can survive in the fertile mucus for more than two days — was expressed. However, no mention was made of their effectiveness for determining the *post* ovulation period which is infertile.
In doing web searches, I have come across many slightly conflicting timeframes for ovulation after LH surge is detected. I would like to use the tests for determining the third phase of her cycle (she is open to the idea) but I realize a waiting period is required after the LH surge is detected.
I am not able to accurately determine what a reasonable period would be after the LH surge is detected, since the data varies from site to site. eg: The surge occurs anywhere from 12-24 hours before it is detected, and lasts up to 24 hours BUT Ovulation occurs 1-4 days after the surge, (not the detection), and viability of the egg is ?. etc.
I don’t want to be scrupulous myself! But I would like to be able to use the simple ovulation test to relieve some of my wife’s anxiety. Where/what information is available on these tests and NFP?
Thank you in advance.