Your Connection to NFP in California

California Association of Natural Family Planning is your one stop shop for NFP in California. CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP. Our members are our most valuable resource.

Take the Mystery out of Fertility not the Miracle


Providing expert consultation, and bringing NFP to you through Speakers and Events, as well as Members Only services like our Chat Room and quarterly CANFP NEWS.


Customized education programs for professionals and general public including Clergy/Seminarians, Youth, Healthcare Professionals, Pregnancy Resource Centers, and Office Staff.


Extensive online resources including Videos, Audios, Articles by Experts, Personal NFP Stories, Store, Scientific References, External Links, and 1,000 Expert responses to your questions.

You Asked, Our Experts Responded

Over 1,000 responses by our experts to your questions about your cycle, NFP, Infertility, Miscarriage, Contraception, and Womens Health. If you cannot find the answer to your cocnern after searching our extensive database of responses, members may submit their question. 

CANFP e-NEWS Subscriptions

CANFP keeps you current on events and topics of interest to the California NFP community. Subscribe to our eNews mailings, and you will receive occasional emails with timely topics, interesting articles, and upcoming events. Note: we do NOT share your email, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

What People Are Saying About NFP/CANFP

Ceclila and Michael

Monterey Region, April 2024

I wanted to share that learning NFP was a lifesaver for our marriage and our family. Without NFP, we would not have our two girls because the medical field failed in its attempts to intervene, where NFP succeeded.  NFP is such a beautiful tool for communication and bonding/self-sacrifice. Truly, thank you for the work you do with our couples. We are blessed with your ministry. Cecilia & Michael


Iowa, December 2023
The ideas you had at the end of your presentation on getting NFP out of the shadows of the parish were great and we hope to do some of them. 

Stacey and David Bunn

Monterey Region

NFP has been a great blessing to our family. The guidance and counsel of Sheila St. John has been instrumental in making it possible for us to bring five beautiful children into the world. We are deeply grateful to God and his servants at NFP.

Liz and George Delgado, MD

San Diego region

We wholeheartedly support the great work of CANFP! CANFP provides vital services in education and advocacy for the advancement of all NFP models that respect God’s natural design for human reproduction. The projects of CANFP are valuable to couples, medical professionals, priests, Protestant pastors, respect life leaders and others.”


Oakland region, 11/18/22

I feel very blessed (and proud) to have been part of CANFP. May God continue to bless your commitment and love of this work, and may California lead the way!

Archbishop Cordileone

San Francisco Region

Thank you CANFP for your support of life and married love!


Monterey Region, May, 2022

I wanted to urge you to keep up the good fight with NFP. I am sure it must feel pretty hopeless sometimes. You have given so many people the opportunity to have the blessing of NFP in their lives. I know it made my life better. I hope you are richly rewarded for your faithfulness. 

Niki and Simon

Mississippi, April 2022

Please find enclosed a donation for CANFP and the ministry you so faithfully carry out. There is such a need for it from a medical side, spiritual side, and to help bring out a culture of life!

High School Teacher

Stockton region, 2022

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge on NFP! We really appreciate your time and support in helping educate our students about sexual integrity.


Orange Region, 2022

Such great specific info here


Monterey Region, 2021

Everyone should learn about this, great tool for health care, and marriage strengthening.


Monterey Region Sept. 2020

“Thanks for all your good work.”

We invite you to join the California NFP Community

By becoming an official CANFP member, you not only gain access to NFP experts, numerous resources, and special events, but also a community of support. Anyone is welcome to join, but those who would benefit the most include:

Latest CANFP Articles

Hundreds of engaging articles by our California experts, as well as experts from across the nation, and the world! Featuring here our favorites exploring NFP and related topics with spiritual, philosophical, medical, intellectual, cultural, scientific,  health, and relational insights.  Browse by author, or subject, or just enjoy starting with these most recent, and keep reading! 

Summer 2024

How to Preach against Artificial Contraception

by Michael Pakaluk

In my now 40 years as a Catholic, only once have I heard a priest as homilist teach that artificial

Summer 2024

We Were Blessed

by Fr. Blaise Berg, STD

It does not happen every day, but it does happen. And when it happens, it is a gift. I am

Summer 2024

WANTED: NFP Teachers

by Sheila St. John

We have seen many of our California NFP teachers discontinuing their services in the last few years. Some are simply

Summer 2024

Meet Our Member: Andreya Arevalo

by Andreya Arevalo

I’ve proudly served as a FertilityCare Practitioner of the Creighton Model (CrMS) since 2019. My journey with CANFP began concurrently

Summer 2024

The Three “C”s of Marriage

by George Delgado, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.

Wise people have said, “As the family goes so society goes”. For years, we have bemoaned the divorce rate in

Summer 2024

Jesus: Lamb and Lion

by Fr. Alvaro Delgado

In the Gospel of John, Jesus enters the temple with the force of a hurricane, overturns tables, and drives out

Spring 2024

Embryo Adoption: Setting the Frozen Free?

by Fr. Jerome Magat, SThD

The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling regarding the personhood status of frozen embryos has reintroduced discussions regarding the morality of

Spring 2024

The Heartbreaking Paradox of IVF

by Alison Zinkewich

In our five year struggle with infertility, the first suggestion from friends and coworkers was always, “why don’t you try

Spring 2024

IVF: Not a Panacea but a Pandora’s Box

by Lauren Rubal, MD, FACOG

The news cycle has finally focused on an area of medicine that typically goes under the radar: in vitro fertilization

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CANFP conducts varied outreach programs to the community at large, in addition to serving our members (NFP users, teachers, and advocates).

CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of topics related to it.

Programs can be continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

CANFP offers a variety of resources for those just discovering Natural Family Planning, as well as to meet the varied needs of our CANFP Members. Most resources are available to any visitors to our site. Some resources do ask you to register as a site user in order to access them, others are available only to CANFP Members.

CANFP statewide conferences, regional events offered in collaboration with local partners, events featuring CANFP speakers, or exhbit, as well as other events throughout the state of interest to our NFP community.  Come meet one of our experts at one of these events or book a speaker for your own upcoming event.

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.