California has benefited from the education and networking at CANFP sponsored Regional and Statewide events for over thirty years. In addition to these CANFP sponsored events, we keep you up to date on California events of interest to our NFP community through our Event Calendar. You are invited to attend these events, become part of an event planning team, and/or collaborate with us in bringing an event to your region. See our What’s Happening Blog to follow current CANFP projects and activities, and get a glimpse of our California history through our past CANFP Conferences. Were you there?
Events of Interest to California's NFP Community
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
What's New At CANFP?
What is happening in our NFP community around the state? Keep up to date on our education and advocacy outreach and activities.
CANFP Events
Regional Events
CANFP collaborates with local partners to provide regional events. Contact CANFP to discuss providing in YOUR region! Past collaborations provide some ideas…
- Invite the clergy in surrounding area to hear a physician speak of contraception and importance of NFP to authentic women’s healthcare
- Host local physicians to hear a physician colleague share their experience utilizing NFP charting to diagnose and treat common, as well as serious, women’s health problems
- Provide an evening for couples in your area to hear an update on modern methods of NFP
- Offer a day long seminar that gives a quick but comprehensive overview of NFP, from perspective of physician, NFP Professional, and couple witness
- Plan a day long seminar for those working to raise awareness on respect for life, to increase the understanding of the connection between contraception and abortion
- Provide a day long workshop for leadership for those involved in marriage prep to hear about modern NFP from the testimony of couples who have used it, clergy who can articulate the importance of it for the good of marriage, physicians who can present the science and effectiveness, and NFP Professionals who are the resource for services.
- Contact CANFP if you are interested in providing an outreach to your community, either to provide support and continuing education for NFP users, advocates and professionals, or outreach and formation to other professionals, lay leaders, and the community at large.
Statewide Conferences
CANFP statewide conferences are the “Big Event” in California! Featured speakers have included nationally and internationally known experts such as Janet Smith, PhD, the late Drs. John and Lyn Billings, Thomas Hilgers, MD, Christopher West, Fr. Robert Spitzer, Mercedes Wilson, Fiorella Nash, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Steven Mosher, George Weigel, John Haas, PhD, STL, and Theresa Notare, PhD—to name just a few—in addition to our “local” California experts, many of whom also nationally known, and too numerous to list. See past State Conferences (Were You There?) and visit our Video Library to view recorded sessions of 2018 Faithful to God’s Design celebration of the 5oth Anniversary of Humanae Vitae. To be notified of upcoming events, join our email list. See how to get involved in making the next event happen, visit the Get Involved page.

This was the best conference I have EVER been to! Homerun!! All your hard work showed. Outstanding job!!
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Thank you for having this inspirational conference, I wish it could be done every year!
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
It will be hard to top this.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
I hope there will be continual opportunities for more people to learn of Humana Vitae and related teachings. It may be one of the most misunderstood and under appreciated teachings of the Church which I believe can be life changing and empowering for so many. Bless you all for being at the forefront of spreading the message
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
I can hardly thank you enough for having this conference. I will remember it for the rest of my days! Thank you!
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Each speaker had their unique perspective, yet clear message, about HV and its effects on God’s people. We were able to make real-world connections with what we learned, and were inspired to share this message with others.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Thorough and thoughtful analysis of marriage and family life and its implications for faithful Christian practice and life.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
This was my first time hearing Christopher West’s message = Mind Blown!
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Thank you all for the great work; It was a revival.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Good programming for Diocesan NFP work.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Thank you Sheila for all the hard work you and your team did to put this together. It was a wonderful line-up of great Catholic personalities who really believe and live the HV truth. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with like minded people. We need these kinds of opportunities to know there are many people out there who are working to change the culture one person, one program, one parish , one diocese at a time. I’m glad to be a part of it.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Very informative for me since I’m new to this topic.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
The information was mind-blowing– our Church has dropped the ball on HV! All the speakers were engaging and informative. No sleepy sessions.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Eye opener and validating!!!!!
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
I have experienced a new sense of hope for our church and culture.
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
It was AMAZING to see representatives of four different models of NFP on stage together encouraging each other. We’re finally all on the same team!!! Worth the price of admission!
, Faithful to God's Design, 2018
Faithful to God's Design, 2018
A HUGE thank you for this amazing conference…it really was highly interesting and rich. it was the first time I participated so everything seemed perfect to me. Very very interesting speaker: dynamic, fun, deep, knowing their subject, etc. Gave me a lot of good arguments (including real figures and %) to discuss with people about all the terrible things (IVF, sperm bank, etc…) and also a lot of hope for the future thanks to the NaPro Technology and all those people that are working hard to protect Life. Thanks to you and this day, my desire of becoming a NFP teacher is confirmed and I am about to apply for the Creighton model training coming up in California this year. Anne
, Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Best CANFP conference ever!
, Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Really appreciated translation of conference and Spanish breakouts!
, Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
We are still glowing from the good news spread at your joy-filled conference. What a boost! God bless you for your fruitful work and a particular thank you to the Archbishop for his bravery. Beth and Gary
Beth and Gary
, Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
As a high school Theology teacher at Marin Catholic College Preparatory, I was very impressed with the positive approach that Father Loya gave in combating the secularized world view that our students are surrounded in and fed in the media. Learning how to recognize the the invisible in the visible, and having a sacramental vision of our world will help my students gain a telos and appreciation of their own beauty and worth as children of God. Teaching this through the aesthetics of art is not only accessible, but pleasurable. It was a great conference! Had I known more about what was going to be presented I would have encouraged my whole department to go! Next time… Peggy
I was impressed how well this conference was organized. It was very professional and I feel it is crucial for our movement to be professional in order to succeed.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This was simply AMAZING!!! Congratulations for all your great job. Giving me a lot of hope for the future.
, Male and Female He Created Them, 2015
Male and Female He Created Them, 2015

Male and Female He Created Them was one of the most impressive conferences I have ever attended: informative, engaging, and an opportunity to network with experts across the field of NFP and bioethics. It is almost impossible to single out one presentation for praise, though Ed Hopfner’s session on the Theology of the Body was particularly enlightening for me, answering many of my questions about TOB and it relevance within the current debate on human sexuality. Thank you CANFP. Fiorella