CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and profile organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.
Watch our Executive Director Sheila St. John discuss CANFP and natural family planning on national television.

Our Mission
CANFP supports and unites users, providers and advocates of all methods of NFP, educating the community on the scientifically sound natural methods and their benefits.
Our Vision
California Association of Natural Family Planning supports and unites users, providers and advocates of all methods of NFP, respecting differences in methodologies and focusing on common goals in a multi-cultural and non-sectarian context. CANFP educates the larger community on the relational, spiritual, social, economic, ecological, and the physical and psychological health benefits of NFP so that couples, physicians, clergy and all people of good will may understand fertility as a normal, healthy, life-giving process within the unitive bond of marriage.
CANFP advocates only natural methods of family planning because these methods respect and uphold the dignity of the human person and build strong marriages. They are sound health practices and are the only true methods of family planning in that they can be used to both achieve and avoid pregnancy, and do so by respecting the natural order of human sexuality. CANFP is accomplishing a truly magnificent thing: every woman and man, whether single or married, respecting nature’s gift of fertility and procreation; cherishing every child, whether born or unborn.
Take the Mystery out of Fertility… not the Miracle
Our Beginnings
CANFP Founding President: Therese Maesenvisioned and established the California Association of Natural Family Planning in 1992, while in her position as the Family Life Director of the Diocese of San Jose, and served as its first President until 1995. She taught Natural Family Planning in the San Jose region in the 1970s and 80s, and as an Educator for the Creighton Model she trained a generation of Creighton Model teachers for Northern California. She has served on the Advisory Board of CANFP since her retirement from the Executive Board in 2000.

Our Beginnings
CANFP Founding President: Therese Maesenvisioned and established the California Association of Natural Family Planning in 1992, while in her position as the Family Life Director of the Diocese of San Jose, and served as its first President until 1995. She taught Natural Family Planning in the San Jose region in the 1970s and 80s, and as an Educator for the Creighton Model she trained a generation of Creighton Model teachers for Northern California. She has served on the Advisory Board of CANFP since her retirement from the Executive Board in 2000.
First Conference
On March 25, 1993 a group of individuals from throughout California founded the California Association of Natural Family Planning. Its first conference, presented in both English and Spanish, was held at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, and featured Drs. John and Lyn Billings as keynote speakers.
At first glance it may seem to have been a foolish thing to do: why would anyone want to promote natural methods of family planning? The only religious body still clinging to the idea that each act of intercourse ought to, by its very nature, be open to human life was the Catholic Church. Of her members, it was estimated that less than 5% actually adhered to that age old teaching repeated in 1968 in Humanae Vitae. In short, why bother?
The founders saw a direct connection between understanding one’s body and knowing one’s fertility. They believed the direct connection between actually knowing one’s fertility and using that knowledge to conceive a child could empower women to choose life not abortion. They understood the direct connection between choosing to bring new life into the world and building strong families. They experienced a direct connection between sacrificing immediate gratification for the common good and living more loving lives. They understood what it means to “create a culture of life”.

First Conference
On March 25, 1993 a group of individuals from throughout California founded the California Association of Natural Family Planning. Its first conference, presented in both English and Spanish, was held at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, and featured Drs. John and Lyn Billings as keynote speakers.
At first glance it may seem to have been a foolish thing to do: why would anyone want to promote natural methods of family planning? The only religious body still clinging to the idea that each act of intercourse ought to, by its very nature, be open to human life was the Catholic Church. Of her members, it was estimated that less than 5% actually adhered to that age old teaching repeated in 1968 in Humanae Vitae. In short, why bother?
The founders saw a direct connection between understanding one’s body and knowing one’s fertility. They believed the direct connection between actually knowing one’s fertility and using that knowledge to conceive a child could empower women to choose life not abortion. They understood the direct connection between choosing to bring new life into the world and building strong families. They experienced a direct connection between sacrificing immediate gratification for the common good and living more loving lives. They understood what it means to “create a culture of life”.
1993 Through Today
Since our beginning in 1993, CANFP has increased understanding and acceptance of scientific, modern, effective natural methods through statewide conferences and regional events, professional development seminars for healthcare workers, clergy and seminarians, quarterly print publications, social media, exhibiting at events throughout the state, and consulting and collaborating with clergy, parishes, pro-life organizations, and healthcare providers throughout California, and beyond.
CANFP has united under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and pro-life organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.

1993 Through Today
Since our beginning in 1993, CANFP has increased understanding and acceptance of scientific, modern, effective natural methods through statewide conferences and regional events, professional development seminars for healthcare workers, clergy and seminarians, quarterly print publications, social media, exhibiting at events throughout the state, and consulting and collaborating with clergy, parishes, pro-life organizations, and healthcare providers throughout California, and beyond.
CANFP has united under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and pro-life organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.
The Future of CANFP
The generation that preceded us warned of the danger of widespread contraceptive use, for women, men, families, and the culture at large. The founders of CANFP built a strong collaboration of committed visionaries to serve those who reject the contraceptive culture, or who, having experienced its negative effects, seek a better way. A new generation is filling the ranks of CANFP, and the need for our message is more urgent than ever, amidst mounting evidence of the serious health risks of hormonal contraception, and undeniable harm it has wrought relationally, spiritually, and culturally.
Whether you are of the generation that saw it coming (or wish you had) or of the new generation who has come of age in the contraceptive culture and knows from personal experience and observation the need for CANFP, we invite you to JOIN US, confident we bring good news to all of good will!

The Future of CANFP
The generation that preceded us warned of the danger of widespread contraceptive use, for women, men, families, and the culture at large. The founders of CANFP built a strong collaboration of committed visionaries to serve those who reject the contraceptive culture, or who, having experienced its negative effects, seek a better way. A new generation is filling the ranks of CANFP, and the need for our message is more urgent than ever, amidst mounting evidence of the serious health risks of hormonal contraception, and undeniable harm it has wrought relationally, spiritually, and culturally.
Whether you are of the generation that saw it coming (or wish you had) or of the new generation who has come of age in the contraceptive culture and knows from personal experience and observation the need for CANFP, we invite you to JOIN US, confident we bring good news to all of good will!
Our Beginnings
CANFP Founding President: Therese Maesenvisioned and established the California Association of Natural Family Planning in 1992, while in her position as the Family Life Director of the Diocese of San Jose, and served as its first President until 1995. She taught Natural Family Planning in the San Jose region in the 1970s and 80s, and as an Educator for the Creighton Model she trained a generation of Creighton Model teachers for Northern California. She has served on the Advisory Board of CANFP since her retirement from the Executive Board in 2000.

Our Beginnings
CANFP Founding President: Therese Maesenvisioned and established the California Association of Natural Family Planning in 1992, while in her position as the Family Life Director of the Diocese of San Jose, and served as its first President until 1995. She taught Natural Family Planning in the San Jose region in the 1970s and 80s, and as an Educator for the Creighton Model she trained a generation of Creighton Model teachers for Northern California. She has served on the Advisory Board of CANFP since her retirement from the Executive Board in 2000.
First Conference
On March 25, 1993 a group of individuals from throughout California founded the California Association of Natural Family Planning. Its first conference, presented in both English and Spanish, was held at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, and featured Drs. John and Lyn Billings as keynote speakers.
At first glance it may seem to have been a foolish thing to do: why would anyone want to promote natural methods of family planning? The only religious body still clinging to the idea that each act of intercourse ought to, by its very nature, be open to human life was the Catholic Church. Of her members, it was estimated that less than 5% actually adhered to that age old teaching repeated in 1968 in Humanae Vitae. In short, why bother?
The founders saw a direct connection between understanding one’s body and knowing one’s fertility. They believed the direct connection between actually knowing one’s fertility and using that knowledge to conceive a child could empower women to choose life not abortion. They understood the direct connection between choosing to bring new life into the world and building strong families. They experienced a direct connection between sacrificing immediate gratification for the common good and living more loving lives. They understood what it means to “create a culture of life”.

First Conference
On March 25, 1993 a group of individuals from throughout California founded the California Association of Natural Family Planning. Its first conference, presented in both English and Spanish, was held at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, and featured Drs. John and Lyn Billings as keynote speakers.
At first glance it may seem to have been a foolish thing to do: why would anyone want to promote natural methods of family planning? The only religious body still clinging to the idea that each act of intercourse ought to, by its very nature, be open to human life was the Catholic Church. Of her members, it was estimated that less than 5% actually adhered to that age old teaching repeated in 1968 in Humanae Vitae. In short, why bother?
The founders saw a direct connection between understanding one’s body and knowing one’s fertility. They believed the direct connection between actually knowing one’s fertility and using that knowledge to conceive a child could empower women to choose life not abortion. They understood the direct connection between choosing to bring new life into the world and building strong families. They experienced a direct connection between sacrificing immediate gratification for the common good and living more loving lives. They understood what it means to “create a culture of life”.
1993 Through Today
Since our beginning in 1993, CANFP has increased understanding and acceptance of scientific, modern, effective natural methods through statewide conferences and regional events, professional development seminars for healthcare workers, clergy and seminarians, quarterly print publications, social media, exhibiting at events throughout the state, and consulting and collaborating with clergy, parishes, pro-life organizations, and healthcare providers throughout California, and beyond.
CANFP has united under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and pro-life organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.

1993 Through Today
Since our beginning in 1993, CANFP has increased understanding and acceptance of scientific, modern, effective natural methods through statewide conferences and regional events, professional development seminars for healthcare workers, clergy and seminarians, quarterly print publications, social media, exhibiting at events throughout the state, and consulting and collaborating with clergy, parishes, pro-life organizations, and healthcare providers throughout California, and beyond.
CANFP has united under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and pro-life organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.
The Future of CANFP
The generation that preceded us warned of the danger of widespread contraceptive use, for women, men, families, and the culture at large. The founders of CANFP built a strong collaboration of committed visionaries to serve those who reject the contraceptive culture, or who, having experienced its negative effects, seek a better way. A new generation is filling the ranks of CANFP, and the need for our message is more urgent than ever, amidst mounting evidence of the serious health risks of hormonal contraception, and undeniable harm it has wrought relationally, spiritually, and culturally.
Whether you are of the generation that saw it coming (or wish you had) or of the new generation who has come of age in the contraceptive culture and knows from personal experience and observation the need for CANFP, we invite you to JOIN US, confident we bring good news to all of good will!

The Future of CANFP
The generation that preceded us warned of the danger of widespread contraceptive use, for women, men, families, and the culture at large. The founders of CANFP built a strong collaboration of committed visionaries to serve those who reject the contraceptive culture, or who, having experienced its negative effects, seek a better way. A new generation is filling the ranks of CANFP, and the need for our message is more urgent than ever, amidst mounting evidence of the serious health risks of hormonal contraception, and undeniable harm it has wrought relationally, spiritually, and culturally.
Whether you are of the generation that saw it coming (or wish you had) or of the new generation who has come of age in the contraceptive culture and knows from personal experience and observation the need for CANFP, we invite you to JOIN US, confident we bring good news to all of good will!
Our Team
Executive Board Members

Sheila St. John
Executive Director

Rev. Blaise R. Berg, STD
President / Treasurer

Gary Schuberg
Vice President

Fr. Mario Rizzo

Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, DD
Executive Board Member

Robert Chasuk, MD
Executive Board Member

Maryah Nunez
Executive Board Member

Josue Marin
Executive Board Member
Advisory Board

Therese Maes, MA
Founding President

Lynn Keenan, MD
Immediate Past President

M. Suzanne Regul, MD
Advisory Board

Rev. Larry Toschi, OSJ
Advisory Board

Mary Davenport, MD
Advisory Board

T. Murphy Goodwin, MD
Advisory Board
More Team Leaders

Parish Liasion

Member Services Coordinator
Church, Diocesan and Institutional CANFP Members/Supporters
All Saints University Parish, Turlock
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Diocese of Orange
Diocese of Santa Rosa
Diocese of Stockton
Holy Family, Glendale
Holy Spirit, Fairfield
Saint Rose of Lima, Maywood
San Rafael, San Diego
St. Andrews, Pasadena
St. Bede, La Canada Flintridge
St. Columba, Chowchilla
St. Ferdinand, San Fernando
St. Joachim, Madera
St. Joseph Basilica, Alameda
St. Joseph, Los Angeles
St. Joseph, Los Banos
St. Margaret, Oceanside
Star of the Sea, San Francisco
Our Professional Members
NFP Teachers, Physicians and Healthcare Professionals with specialty training in NFP and women’s health, and Clergy with a special interest in providing pastoral support on NFP and related topics.
Gratitude to all who have served on CANFP Boards
Thank you to all those who have so generously served on the Boards of the California Association of Natural Family Planning
Rev. Blaise R. Berg, STD
Lynn Keenan, MD
Gregory Polito, MD, KM
Sheila St. John
Therese Maes, MA
Executive Board
Anita Lucketti
Anna Viscomi
Barbara Regnier
Bishop Allen Vigneron
Carol Koppenjeffer
Deacon Allan Bohner
Dylan St. John
Edie Sickman
Ellen Linbeck
F.J. Milligan, MD
Fr. Gerald Coleman
Fr. Joseph Illo
Fr. Mario Rizzo
Gary Schuberg
Gregory Polito, MD, KM
Howard Lucketti
James Sweeney
Jennifer Meade
Jesus De Luna
Josue Marin
Judy Wilmurt
Julie Sly
Kathy Snodgrass
Lilia and Alejandro Morelos
Marcella Melendez
Mary Champagne
Mary Dausch
Mary O’Neill, MD
Maryah Nunez
Maureen Scagliotti, RN
Michel Accad, MD
Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone, DD
Regina Corley
Rev. Blaise R. Berg, STD
Rev. Marcos Gonzalez
Rev. Mark Wagner
Robert Chasuk, MD
Sheila St. John
Shirl Giacomi
Sister Michelle, OCD
Valentina De Luna
Veronica Smallwood
Advisory Board
Anita Lucketti
Bishop Richard Garcia
Dean Zweng, MD
Dyana Zweng
Evelyn Eaton, PhD
Gerald Hahn, CPA
Gregory Polito, MD, KM
Howard Herning, MD
James Sweeney
Lynn Keenan, MD
M. Suzanne Regul, MD
Mary Davenport, MD
Msgr. Charles Fortier
Rev. Larry Toschi, OSJ
Rev. Mark Wagner
Rita Billeci
T. Murphy Goodwin, MD
Therese Maes, MA

Calegari Award
The Calegari Award is a special honor bestowed by CANFP to acknowledge significant contributions to Natural Family Planning in California. The first deserved recipient, Dr. Howard Herning, was honored at the inaugural CANFP Conference in 1993. At each statewide conference held since a new recipient has been so honored. In addition to honoring these recipients, in establishing this award CANFP also honors the significant contributions of Fr. Marc Calegari, for whom the award is named.
With so many who have contributed so much to NFP in California, from the early pioneers who introduced modern NFP, to those who paved the way in establishing programs where none existed, to the current advocates who have brought NFP into the 21st century in California, it is our desire in establishing and bestowing this award to honor ALL those who have labored tirelessly and selflessly to share the good news of California! We are inspired by the leadership and commitment of those we have named, and in honoring them, we honor all who have served faithfully so that all may know the benefits of NFP.