Get Involved
CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.
Some of our most immediate needs include: Parish Liaison, Prayer Team Leader, Membership, Support, Digital Communications, Contributors to CANFP NEWS
become a CANFP member
If you are involved or interested in NFP, personally or profesionally—or want to be!—we invite you to join CANFP! We offer memberships for all interest levels—learn more today!
Join The Team
We welcome your active participation in CANFP! Perhaps an area below appeals to you, or perhaps you have an idea you would like to propose? We would love to hear from you! Both volunteer and contracted positions available. The list below is in order of importance from top to bottom.
- Parish Services Coordinator | Liaison with parishes, coordinate parish programs, create weekly bulletin announcements/prayer intentions
- Member Services | Maintain member records, support current members and solicit new members
- Prayer Team Leader | Communicate prayer intentions monthly to prayer team
- Digital Communications Coordinator | Share CANFP message through social media outlets, and email communications.
- Curriculum Development | Design NFP Education Programs for variety of audiences
- Newsletter Editor | Solicit articles, edit and format Newsletter
- Public Relations | Develop materials and seek opportunities to promote NFP and the services of CANFP
- Translating Articles/Materials | Translate materials and articles, especially into Spanish
- Grant Writing | Identify grant opportunities and prepare grant requests
- Exhibit Staff | Set up and take down help, and volunteers familiar with NFP and CANFP to staff exhibit
- Computer Graphic Skills | Resource development (brochures, booklets, etc.) Proficient in In-design preferred
- Conference Team | Committee chairperson, site host, and committee members for all phases of event planning
- Ask the Expert Coordinator | Monitor questions received, obtaining and sharing response from appropriate expert
- Virtual Administrative Assistant | Data Entry, Formatting Documents, Correspondence
- Local Administrative Assistant | Data Entry, Filing, Formatting Documents, Correspondence (location: Monterey Region)
- Mail Processing | Process major mailings, including quarterly newsletter (location: Monterey Region)
- Video Production | Develop Video Educational and Promotional Tools
- Funding and Development | Identify and pursue funding sources to maximize growth and stability
- Bookkeeping | Assume a portion or all of bookkeeping tasks, Quickbooks knowledge required
- Phone Tree Coordinator | Establish and implement networking via statewide phone tree
- Website Maintenance | Maintain and update websites
Conference Team
Let us introduce you to our Conference Planning Committee—opportunities to be involved in the planning of CANFP Conferences. Conference Planning Committee members each assume responsibility for a different aspect of the conference, and meet monthly by conference call to coordinate efforts. If you are interested in serving as a chairperson, or on a committee, please contact

Conference Chair
Site Advance
Volunteer Coordinator and Local Resource Contact
Online Services
Funding and Development
Continuing Ed
Materials/Graphic Development
Speaker Coordinator
Conference Packets
Calegari Award
Liturgy Chair
On Site Volunteers
Stay Up To Date on Everything CANFP
Join our email list and never miss an event, NFP news, informational articles, and more!

Submit An Article
Submissions welcome to our quarterly CANFP NEWS. Share your professional expertise, or personal journey or perspective. We publish only original, never before published submissions.
Become an NFP Teacher or Medical Consultant

Become a Speaker
Our team of Professionals who comprise our Speakers Bureau are experienced in speaking to a variety of audiences—youth, professionals, physicians, clergy, couples—not only on NFP, but the broad range of related health, relational, and spiritual topics that reflect our mission. Contact CANFP to join our Speakers Bureau—sharing your personal NFP witness, or professional expertise—or to Book a Speaker.
Board Openings
CANFP is directed by a dedicated team of professionals who volunteer their service on the CANFP Executive Board. Currently, applications for Board Membership are being considered for the below areas of expertise. All candidates considered, with priority given to applicants with experience in one of above, and/or representing San Bernardino, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Orange, San Jose, or Fresno regions.
- Physician
- Marketing
- Finance
- Technology
- Business
- Event Planning
- Grant Writing
- Public Relations
- Curriculum Development
- Funding and Development

Upcoming CANFP Events
Come volunteer at one of our upcoming events! It takes a large team and a lot of coordination to run a conference and all help is greatly appreciated.