A friend referred me—she had recurring ovarian cysts that went away with treatment involving progesterone shots. I currently have what appear to be 2 dermoids, one on each ovary. The one on the left was first seen on a mid-pregnancy ultrasound when I was pregnant with my second child last summer. At the follow up ultrasound after delivery, there was one on the right side as well. This ultrasound was back in February, and the ovaries were quite enlarged, 5-6 cm in size. I was told by three doctors that laproscopic surgery is the only way to remove them–they will not resolve on their own, and none knew of a non-surgical treatment. One doctor said that it is possible that the ovaries will be lost as well in such surgeries, depending on the size and location of the dermoids. The other two were more hopeful that usually the ovaries can be saved.
I wanted to wait six months to do some research and, strange as it may sound, pray for healing. I wasn’t ready to possibly risk losing both my ovaries without looking into some alternatives. My friend just told me this week about her experience with progesterone shots. I am wondering if your alternative treatments would be appropriate or applicable to my situation with what appear to be dermoids, or dermoid cysts.
I would greatly appreciate any information, suggestions, or references you might have for me.