I am a 21 year old, I am not sexually active, and I have never seen an OBGYN, but I am planning to see one very soon! I have experienced irregular periods since menarche at the age of 12. My periods over the last nine months (since I have started tracking in more detail) have ranged from 23 days to 75 days. The average has been somewhere in the 40’s but none have been the same. I have also been having some sharp, stabbing pain in my lower quadrants ranging from mild to very severe (it made me think it was my ovaries which is why I started tracking my periods). I have also had one period where I started spotting a light brown color, requiring only panty liners, on day 42 which lasted 5 days until I started my period on day 47. I have also had very heavy periods as long as I can remember. On the first 1-3 days of period, I can use anywhere from 3-10 super plus tampons each day. Some days I am changing super or super plus tampons every hour for the majority of the day! I also have had very severe cramps (1-2 days of each period) that have kept me from school and work many times. I also get very tired and get the feeling that I can hardly get out of bed. Since I am getting older and now have a full time job, it is getting where it is majorly interfering with my life. Is this my normal or what could possibly be wrong? Thanks!
Heavy Painful Periods Affecting Ability to Function
Last Updated: August 15, 2023
It sounds as though you have a couple of things going on here. First, the timing of your cycles is abnormal as you probably had thought. Menstrual cycles should range from 21-38 days with an average of 30 days. With this, the two phases of the cycle, follicular and luteal, have normal ranges as well. For instance, the luteal phase, after ovulation), has a range of 9-17 days with an average of 13 days. It will vary in range only two days in a particular individual. The timing of the cycle depends on chemical messages from specific parts of your brain and correct ovarian response.
Secondly, you are experiencing debilitating cramps and heavy bleeding. Cramps associated with the blood flow can be associated with benign tumors of the uterus and with endometriosis. These benign tumors can be treated in a number of ways and are usually diagnosed by ultrasound. Endometriosis is endometrial tissue found outside the uterus and is attached to the outside of the uterus, bladder, colon, etc. It responds to the hormonal changes with your cycle and can cause extreme pain. It is also associated with fertility problems. The only way to diagnose this is by laparoscopic surgery.
Your ob/gyn would be able to help you with these things. Unfortunately, most doctors will prescribe the birth control pill as an easy first step because the pill will help in reducing symptoms. This does nothing to treat the underlying problems though. The pill is associated with elevated blood pressure and blood sugars, post-fertilization effects (miscarriage), and cancers to name a few. I think there is a better solution for you.
I would advise letting CANFP help you find a certified natural family planning teacher in your area. The teacher will help you chart your cycles along with symptoms in a medically relevant way. The teacher could then help you find a physician who will be able to use the information in guiding his/her medical decisions. Some lab tests would need to be done as well as an ultrasound and possible laparoscopy. The underlying disorder(s) could be properly diagnosed and treated at your young age rather than masked until you are older.
Congratulations on avoiding sexual intimacy. The best medical recommendation I could give you in addition to the above is to remain abstinent until marriage. This is for the betterment of future marriage, children, and your health. Statistics bear this out despite what the general media wants to tell you.
I hope that this helps you!
Sincerely, Gretchen V. Marsh, D.O.
Answered By:
Gretchen Marsh, D.O.
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