I tried looking around the site and don’t believe I saw any questions quite like mine so I hope I’m not making someone duplicate efforts! If so, I’m sorry.
I quit the pill about a month and a half ago (maybe one month) after being on it for about two years. I am 22 years old. To my surprise, my period seemed to return just two days later than expected. However, when my period returned, the majority of the bleeding lasted only one day (slightly heavy but nowhere near what it used to be) and then the next few days were followed with spotting. Also, I became incredibly sick. I had not been sick like this ever before. Cramps weren’t horrific…but nausea has been killing me.
I’ve been doing some research online and have not had much luck finding other people who experienced nausea a month after going off the pill. The nausea has persisted, on and off, over the past week and my period is over. Is this normal? Or is there a possibility I could be pregnant? My husband and I have had unprotected sex several times in the past month.
I just want to know if I should be concerned or if I should expect a pregnancy test may or may not pick up the HGC if I am in fact pregnant (which would not necessarily be a bad thing if I was).