I’m 25 years old and have been getting my period since the age of 10 1/2.
From the day I got it, I pretty much had a cycle like clockwork, every 28-32 days except the occasional (maybe twice) that I missed it or the one time I got it at 18 days as a result of a car accident.
Along with getting it each month like clockwork, I also have regular PMS like tender breasts a week before, mood swings, increased appetite that stops the second I get my period and when I finally get my period I have severe cramps for the first two days.
Since April of this year (six months ago) my cycle is really messed up. At first it drove me crazy because I always know PMS won’t last more than a week, once I get my period, all the syptoms go away, but here I was PMSing for about two weeks before I got my period. Then the next month, I started PMS at about 30 days and got my period a week later. Each month another story.
Right now, I have not had PMS for this month yet (not that I’m looking forward to it), but like I said, it used to be clockwork for me and I just like to know that I have it and can get over it until next month. The last time I had my period was around August 26.
I should also mention that I am a virgin and know therefore I’m not likely to be pregnant…Is this something I should be concered about or just normal life changes?