Seeking Evaluation of Irregular Cycles and Relief from PMS


I was actually given your information from a friend and honestly don’t know if this is the correct resource for me or not.
I’m 39-years-old and a practicing Catholic and have been having irregular menstrual cycles for at least the past year-and-a-half, ranging from 14 days to 29 days, with recent spotting in between cycles. Because of the irregularities, my hormones have been totally out of balance, causing major PMS almost continuously. My husband had a vasectomy shortly after our third child was born, primarily for religious reasons.

I belong to an HMO, Kaiser, and have had no success there. One year ago when I mentioned my difficulties with my primary care, she suggested Prozac for the day and Xanax at night. I reassured her I m not depressed, that I just needed my PMS symptoms gone and the cause of my irregular menstrual cycles. She ruled out pre-menopausal, stating I was too young for that.

Last week I had another PAP smear done, this time with a nurse practitioner. After discussing the same issues with her, she let out a deep sigh. And because I told her of my husband’s reversal due to religious reasons, she moaned. She then proceeded to suggest the Ovuring, an IUD or ablation, all which seemed to have risks and all against what we would like to utilize as a means of solving my condition. She did, however, state that it is likely you are suffering from pre-menopause and that this could go on for as long as ten years.

Are you able to help in this? If so, what options do I have? I live in Bakersfield, CA.

Thanks, Missy 


Last Updated: December 12, 2014
Dear Missy,

YES! You have definitely come to the right place!

Congratulations on restoring your fertility as a couple!

It sounds as if you have made a connection between the irregular menstrual cycles and the mood swings and “pms” you are experiencing on an ongoing basis. That is very astute of you, and it is unfortunate your health care providers either did not clue into it, or saw suppression of your cycle as the only option.

You probably do have a decade to go before menopause, so just “riding this out” is not a good option. The good news is that treatment is available.

The first step would be to chart your cycles. This involves not just keeping track of your menses, but of all the events of your cycle. This will give a much clearer picture of what is going on with you: the character and length of your menses, as well as the quality and timing of the mucus, and the length of your luteal phase.

This information will provide insight into what is going on, and also facilitate an accurate and complete hormonal evaluation, as a physician will be able to time the tests, and interpret the results, relative to your ovulation. The treatment then can also be timed with your cycle. The goal is not to suppress your cycle, but to restore health, by identifying the reason for the irregular cycle you describe, and supporting normal function. When your cycle is supported and normal hormone levels are achieved, we usually see the emotional symptoms that are troubling you resolve, and quality of life restored.

You need to see a physician who is trained in evaluating and treating in this way, and an NFP teacher to help you compile the accurate charting the physician will utilize to evaluate and treat your cycles in a cooperative—not suppressive—manner. Contact information for both can be found at

Sheila St. John

Answered By:

Sheila St. John
Sheila St. John is the Executive Director of the California Association of Natural Family Planning, coordinating the non-profit’s education and advocacy efforts throughout the state. Initially attracted to NFP as a healthy, effective method for planning families, drug, device and surgery free, her passion for NFP has grown over the last 42 years as she has journeyed with the over 900 couples she has personally instructed in its use, and been privileged to witness its role in overcoming infertility, women’s health, and the transformation that occurs in lives of men, women, and families, when we embrace God’s design for love and life.

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