I am 36 years old and engaged to be married soon. My fiance and I are practicing chastity and I have begun charting with a Creighton NFP practitioner about a month.
My concern is this: I have tail-end brown bleeding which lasts about 5-6 days after my period ends. My NFP practicioner is concerned about a progesterone deficiency. I do remember that I have had this brown bleeding as far back as I can remember. I remember it in high school and I have a nine year old son and don’t know that I ever had a miscarriage before when I was sexually active before my conversion. I also have never been on any hormonal contraceptives, by the grace of God.
My concern is that if my fiance and I marry before I get this figured out that I will be at risk to miscarry. Do you think we should put the wedding off? Is it going to take months to have this evaluated and taken care of?
God bless you.