I am trying to figure out what is going on with my cycle. I am currently 26 months post partum and still breastfeeding about 2x in evening/morning (not through the night). My cycle returned at about 20 months.
I’ve been charting for the last three cycles–I took the CCL classes a few years ago and am trying to follow those rules to avoid pregnancy.
My question/problem is that I can’t tell when I’m ovulating. It seems that I am having a fallback thermal shift, but I think there is more than that going on because my cervical mucus has usually dried up before that happens. I’ve also been wondering about the possibility of low progesterone because I had at least one short luteal phase (last cycle). To add to my difficulty in reading my charts, my son doesn’t always sleep through the night so I have semi-irregular temp times but do my best to keep it at the same time. Finally, while it appears that I have ovulated three days ago (or more), I had some pain yesterday and the day before that felt like cyst or ovulation pain.
If you would like to look at my charts, I have been using both ovusoft software and fertility friend (because it’s free… I’m following the rules that I know to make sure that it works the way I need it to).
Unfortunately you can only see the current chart at ovusoft.
Please advise!