Dear Mimi,
Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear you have a yearly pap smear, also that you took all your medication at the time of your infection. Since chlamydia infection is caused by a bacterium (chlamydia trachomatis) symptoms can be mild or absent in three quarters of women infected, and half of infected men may have no symptoms, so consequently the name the: “silent disease”. When symptoms do occur, usually at 1-3 weeks after the infection, this is what leads to PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) which can cause scarring of the fallopian tubes leading to infertility. So I would encourage you to be re-screened if this was not done at your last doctor’s visit. As I do not know if your husband has also been treated, because women are frequently re-infected by their partners, he should also be tested and treated. The other important part of your fertility care that would be of great help to you is to find a FertilityCare teacher in your area so you could learn to monitor your cycles and know your phases of fertility and infertility and the best time to conceive a baby. You can check with for a teacher if you have any further questions. May you continue with good health and peace at this Christmas Season.
Theresa Mitchell