CANFP offered a one day seminar for the Deacons (and wives) of the Diocese of Sacramento, May 30, 2020, converting the in person program to a virtual format due to Covid restrictions.
Prior to the seminar, the Deacons were surveyed:
How often do you preach on this topic? Humanae Vitae/Theology of the Body/Contraception/NFP
94% reported NEVER, or RARELY
Upon conclusion of the seminar
50% report they will preach on this annually, an additional 11% quarterlyuarterly
Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Tell Me This?
Our NFP Journey
Women’s Health, Infertility, and NaProTechnology
Pastoral Applications
Presented by CANFP Professional Members:
Sheila St. John
Carlin and Deacon Dave Gould
Dr. Amie Holmes
Fr. Blaise Berg
How will this day impact your vocation as a Deacon?
I will consider going for teacher training myself.
It enables to me to speak more intelligently and compassionately with people that I may encounter in the parish or other places. And also to be able to refer to resources for help.
I have been given more tools to present NFP to our engaged couples.
What impacted you the most from this day?
For me personally, the revelation of the three modes of preventing pregnancy using oral contraception. The possibility of effectively promoting an abortion by not allowing a fertilized egg to attach and grow hit me like a truck.
The information on the consequences to a relationship and the potential risks to the biology of the woman’s body.
Have a much greater and complete understanding of a woman’s monthly cycle, and the beauty of life’s creation.
Having a better understanding of NaProTECHNOLOGY; also the statistics on how effective NFP is versus contraception.
The fact that this is not very well known and/or accepted by the secular medical culture.
A greater understanding of NFP.
Very encouraged that our diocese made this a priority for us deacons. This and other life issues are critical to our culture and the Church today.
The statistical information.
What impacted you the most from this day? (wives)
I was impacted by how much God loves us that he took care of every detail of our lives. Secular world views it as repressive. Nfp is a beautiful way to further share your love with the other. Intimacy becomes an intentional act, rather than a lustful moment.
How to become aware of when a woman is more fertile.
The information was presented in a way that it can easily be given to real couples trying to live in today’s world.
The beauty of God’s creation.