I had an ectopic pregnancy in August which was treated with two methotrexate injections and I have been trying to conceive again since March (one unsuccessful year this month!).
My LH surge is always on day 13 or 14, periods on day 28 (like a clock) but I do not understand why I get spotting five days post ovulation, on and off until my periods come. I always used to have some spotting four to five days before but not for nine days like this – to me it’s far too long. It means that out of a 28 days cycle, I have spotting for nine days and periods for seven days which leaves only twelve days every month where I don’t have any spotting nor bleeding.
Every month I wonder whether I am experiencing implantation spotting until my periods come.
I went to see my doc back in November and had all the hormone tests done on day 21 (progesterone, thyroid function, etc, etc ) and they looked fine.
I don’t understand, the doc does not understand and I really don’t know who to ask to find out what’s happening to my body.
I would be very grateful if you could help me understand what’s going on.
Thanks. Margot