Hello, I have two questions. One is that I am 25 years old and I started taking birth control pills,(estrostep fe), around March and I stopped in May. I started taking them again in July on the first day of my period, which was July 1st. My period usually lasts about five to six days, but it never stopped. I have been bleeding for two weeks now. It’s not heavy. I am what you would say bleeding lightly or spotting. I can never get in touch with my doctor. My question is should I continue to take the birth control pills, because I do not know if this is normal? Also, I went to the doctor and he claims I have chlamydia, but I did not have any symptoms.
Home » Ask The Expert » Bleeding since starting pill
Bleeding since starting pill
Last Updated: July 12, 2013
Dear April
This website is dedicated to getting the message out that there are methods of family planning that do not require the use of drugs or devices. Estrostep Fe, like all other birth control pills, is a chemical that is meant to temporarily sterilize a woman as long as she is taking it. This is what it is meant to do, but drugs are never perfect and always have some toxic effect. Irregular bleeding is a very common unwanted effect, since the pill causes an unnatural state of hormone levels in the body, upsetting the natural cycle of uterine build-up and bleeding.
Here are some other unwanted effects:
1. DEATHS: Birth control pills (and other hormonal contraceptives) carry many serious risks such as heart attacks, blood vessel diseases, blood clots, stroke, and gallbladder disease. There are also reports of eye damage, liver tumors, and cancer of the breast and reproductive organs. They may cause increased blood sugar, blood pressure, and “bad” cholesterol levels.
2. WEIGHT GAIN, SWELLING, DEPRESSION, AND LOSS OF SEX DRIVE: Birth control pills have other frustrating side effects such as fluid retention, breakthrough bleeding, and spotting. They can worsen migraines, and change vision with contact lenses. They can increase irritability, depression, weight gain, and reduce sex drive. These side effects are quite common.
3. SEX IS CHANGED: Contraception interferes with the action of sexual intercourse. Hormonal contraception changes the quality of vaginal fluid to a drier, less lubricative fluid. Barriers block the direct skin-to-skin contact that lovers crave. Any contraception separates the natural connection between human bonding and new human life.
4. STDs: The rate of infection from sexually transmitted diseases has dramatically increased. The introduction of the birth control pill has not stopped this. In fact, it has contributed to this. Even the number of types of serious sexually transmitted diseases has increased, from about twelve known diseases when the pill was introduced to over fifty today. The diseases themselves have changed, from easily treatable, known diseases, to more and more destructive ones – such as AIDS.
5. CASUAL SEX: The use of contraceptives has degraded relationships, making casual sex easy and generally accepted.
7. UNWANTED BABIES: Using a contraceptive as a medicine treats babies like infections and diseases.
8. SEXISM: Contraceptives degrade women. We have yet to put men through the experimentation and risks that we do with women on contraception. Birth control pills support the attitude that a woman should ideally be like a man, always ready for sex, barren. Always with the same steady hormone levels, no natural rhythms or cycles.
10. CONSTANT PREGNANT STATE: Birth control pills work by making a woman’s body function like she is constantly two months pregnant.
11. ABORTION: Many contraceptives can directly cause early abortions.
12. ABORTION DEMAND: Contraceptive use leads to a perceived need for abortion as a “back-up.”
13. HUMAN DEVALUATION: Contraceptive use causes a devaluation of human life.
As you can see in #4 above, a woman who uses a birth control pill is more likely to get Chlamydia. This is a serious infection that can do heavy damage to the uterus and other internal organs, and yet can have no symptoms. It should be treated promptly.
When a woman is faced with a decision to use birth control pills, it is a much safer choice in general to hold off on sexual relations and invest some time and effort into learning a quality method of natural family planning. This website offers many ways to help do just that.
Peter Sultana, MD
This website is dedicated to getting the message out that there are methods of family planning that do not require the use of drugs or devices. Estrostep Fe, like all other birth control pills, is a chemical that is meant to temporarily sterilize a woman as long as she is taking it. This is what it is meant to do, but drugs are never perfect and always have some toxic effect. Irregular bleeding is a very common unwanted effect, since the pill causes an unnatural state of hormone levels in the body, upsetting the natural cycle of uterine build-up and bleeding.
Here are some other unwanted effects:
1. DEATHS: Birth control pills (and other hormonal contraceptives) carry many serious risks such as heart attacks, blood vessel diseases, blood clots, stroke, and gallbladder disease. There are also reports of eye damage, liver tumors, and cancer of the breast and reproductive organs. They may cause increased blood sugar, blood pressure, and “bad” cholesterol levels.
2. WEIGHT GAIN, SWELLING, DEPRESSION, AND LOSS OF SEX DRIVE: Birth control pills have other frustrating side effects such as fluid retention, breakthrough bleeding, and spotting. They can worsen migraines, and change vision with contact lenses. They can increase irritability, depression, weight gain, and reduce sex drive. These side effects are quite common.
3. SEX IS CHANGED: Contraception interferes with the action of sexual intercourse. Hormonal contraception changes the quality of vaginal fluid to a drier, less lubricative fluid. Barriers block the direct skin-to-skin contact that lovers crave. Any contraception separates the natural connection between human bonding and new human life.
4. STDs: The rate of infection from sexually transmitted diseases has dramatically increased. The introduction of the birth control pill has not stopped this. In fact, it has contributed to this. Even the number of types of serious sexually transmitted diseases has increased, from about twelve known diseases when the pill was introduced to over fifty today. The diseases themselves have changed, from easily treatable, known diseases, to more and more destructive ones – such as AIDS.
5. CASUAL SEX: The use of contraceptives has degraded relationships, making casual sex easy and generally accepted.
7. UNWANTED BABIES: Using a contraceptive as a medicine treats babies like infections and diseases.
8. SEXISM: Contraceptives degrade women. We have yet to put men through the experimentation and risks that we do with women on contraception. Birth control pills support the attitude that a woman should ideally be like a man, always ready for sex, barren. Always with the same steady hormone levels, no natural rhythms or cycles.
10. CONSTANT PREGNANT STATE: Birth control pills work by making a woman’s body function like she is constantly two months pregnant.
11. ABORTION: Many contraceptives can directly cause early abortions.
12. ABORTION DEMAND: Contraceptive use leads to a perceived need for abortion as a “back-up.”
13. HUMAN DEVALUATION: Contraceptive use causes a devaluation of human life.
As you can see in #4 above, a woman who uses a birth control pill is more likely to get Chlamydia. This is a serious infection that can do heavy damage to the uterus and other internal organs, and yet can have no symptoms. It should be treated promptly.
When a woman is faced with a decision to use birth control pills, it is a much safer choice in general to hold off on sexual relations and invest some time and effort into learning a quality method of natural family planning. This website offers many ways to help do just that.
Peter Sultana, MD
Answered By:

Peter Sultana, MD
Peter Sultana, MD, Professional Member of CANFP, is a family practice physician with training in NaProTechnology,in the Santa Rosa region.
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