I have been charting with the Creighton Model of NFP for three years. In January I experienced an unusual continuous brown bleeding from Day 1 to Day 28-32 with a normal five day period (red bleeding) then continued brown until the next period. I had a hysteroscopy in March. I have been on Prometrium, natural progesterone and now for the past seven months on HCG shots on Peak +3, +5, +7, and +9. Starting Sep. 21st until October 25 I had continuous brown bleeding, very light. I am 41 years old.
How much might ENDOMETRIOSIS play a part in all of this brown bleeding? What do you recommend I do? I am not trying to achieve a pregnancy and my husband and I use condoms, but most of the time after intercourse brown bleeding starts or gets worse.
Thanks for your help with this,