I am 34. I had endometriosis four years ago. I had a laprooscopic done because of fertility problems. That was how Dr. found endometriosis. He first said I has polycystic ovarian syndrome. I did conceive a year after the laprooscopic was done. I went on birth control for a year. I wanted another child so I came off the pill and conceived two months without taking clomid. I have always had to be given provera to help with my cycles for the past four years. In October, I was given prometrium and had an allergic reaction. I lost conscious, my tongue withdrew to left side, and I was numb on left side. My husband had to call the ambulance. The EMT’s thought I was having a stroke.
All tests revealed no stroke. That was my second time taking prometrium. I had a period for three months and last month I skipped. I had intercourse with my husband and bled for fifteen minutes after. Then I stopped. I called Dr. and was seen by another physician other than my primary one. He explained that I was trying to have a period and gave me a shot of progestin. I finally started five days later and had a cycle for three days. I have pelvic pain when I have a cycle. I had hemorrhoids during both pregnancies and had to have a hemorrhoid operation one week before delivery with my second child. I still have them. I have diarrhea during my cycles. Also, my legs hurt. I did have a lighting injury in 1994 which the neurologist said I had problems with my pituitary gland not responding for ovulation. I was referred to an endocrinologist. He sent me back to a gynecologist.
What would be the best test to ask for. I am tired. When I do not have a cycle, I get very upset. One minute I will cry and the next minute I hate everyone and could fight you I will get bloated and cramp for weeks but don’t have periods until I get some progesterone. I just want to know if endometriosis is back or if I do have polycystic syndrome. Also, I get big knots (pimples) on my back, arms, face, and neck.
They are very painful. This occurs before my cycle should start. I see my Dr. June 15th and I would like to know what tests I need to help with all my problems. Thanks!