My son is 3.5 years old and about two years ago I started having spotting after my period that goes right up until ovulation. I have charted my cycle (cervical mucous + position, waking temp) for years and ovulation still clearly occurs with clear and seemingly normal temperature changes. Spotting is usually brown, occasionally red and changes with cervical mucous progress. My ob-gyn has done two blood tests to check various values and all have been normal. In Feb of this year, we performed a hysteroscopy and D&C and everything was fine with exception of slight tendency toward membrane thickening (but not a true hyperplasia). Recently I’ve noticed dull, constant headaches cropping up at menstruation as well and lasting 3-10 days (always gone after ovulation).
I am a healthy, active, married 38 year old, not overweight or under undue stress and eat a balanced, mostly organic, low-meat diet. I’ve seen other Drs as well, and they all seem unconcerned and recommend various treatments from birth control pills to control spotting to alternative treatments to correct whatever imbalance. Responses on this site were very interesting and I’d be grateful for additional insight.
Thank you,