I’ve been having very irregular periods for the last several months. I’ve always been on a regular cycle of 28 days/5 days. Now it’s 28 days with maybe 2 or 3 days. I’ve been feeling sick, tender breasts, my stomach is growing, I feel strange movement as well. I’ve been to the doctors now twice- he has done a urine test and basically refuses to do anymore tests because he is 100% sure of his office test…he did routine blood work and all of my tests are normal. I also had a sonogram vaginally, it showed my uterus was a little enlarged and some very small fibroids. I’m so confused, I don’t know what to do. I would like to know what caused my uterus to be enlarged and could it pose any danger in a future pregnancy as I am considering in the near future.Yolanda
Fibroids cause of irregular cycles
Last Updated: July 10, 2013
You mentioned that your sonogram showed enlarged uterus and presences of small fibroids. The enlargement of your uterus can be caused by the fibroids. Fibroid, also called myoma, is a benign tumor which has been associated with hormonal problems and also degeneration of some uterine smooth muscles. Symptoms are abdominal pressure from the enlarging pelvic mass, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) , irregular uterine bleeding and prolonged heavy uterine bleeding.
The other question you asked- could this pose any danger in a future pregnancy? Fibroids can cause infertility and abortions. You can follow up with your regular primary physician but when you have prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding you need to be referred back to the gynecologist.
Delia Z. Reyes FCP, FNP
Answered By:
Delia Reyes
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