Spotting after my Period


Could there be something wrong? I had my period like normal and it lasted 6 days. I stopped for 1 day and then I started spotting with a few small blood clots. I am a little concerned because this has never happened before. Thank you for your time.


Last Updated: July 7, 2013
I’m not a doctor, but as a Fertility Care Practitioner my response would be that if there was only one day between the last menstrual period and the spotting then that bleed is still considered a residue of menstruation and you shouldn’t worry.

Other factors to take into consideration would be your age, are you 40 years or older and in premenopause? Should this bleeding continue for several more days then it should be monitored and consult with your Fertility Care Instructor and your physician.

Dolores Moreno, CFCP

Answered By:

Dolores Moreno
Dolores Moreno is a now retired teacher of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System., having taught in the San Jose Region for decades.

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