I am 31 years old and trying to conceive my first child. I went off the pill the end of January, but did not get a period until July. Since then they have been irregular ranging from 32-42 days, however, my periods were irregular before I went on the pill about 12 years ago. I initally went on the pill to alleviate the heavy, painful periods.
I usually have long (8-9 day), heavy periods, with very painful cramping. I also start to spot 2-5 days before my period starts. This spotting starts anywhere from 6 to 10 days after ovulation.
I have been on synthroid for the past three years and my dosage was reduced from 112 mg to 100 mg in February of this year.
I am concerned that the premenstrual spotting is hindering our ability to get pregnant. I have ovulated four times since July and our timing has been great as I use the BBT, Fertility Monitor and LH predictor strips.
Do you think the premenstrual spotting is an issue? Is it the irregular periods? Or am I starting to worry for no reason?