I just wanted to say how great I think this website is. As a Catholic wife and mother I was so happy to come across it. When my husband and I went to our engaged encounter at Serra Retreat in Malibu, we learned a little about natural family planning. While we were there we wrote what later became our couples prayer for our wedding. In it we asked God to bless us with children. October 8 we celebrated two wonderful years of marriage and on October 16 we celebrate our son’s first birthday.
It has been a wonderful experience for me thus far.
I would love to share it with young girls and let them know how great being a wife and a mother is, and that it’s an experience worth waiting for. It breaks my heart to see that there are 13-year-old girls out there confused as to whether or not they’re pregnant. I was only 23 when I was married and then got pregnant, but I was in a loving committed relationship. Basically, I would just like to help.
Thank you for your time.