My last cycle began February 13th. I had intercourse on February 26 around midnight. My cycle is due March 13, which is Friday. I started spotting on Monday the 9th and it lasted for only a few hours. Tuesday I had no spotting but Wednesday it started again and lasted all day; it was very light and pink in color. Today is Thursday and I’m still spotting but it’s even lighter than yesterday. My menstruation is always heavy and I’ve never experienced spotting before and I’m just a little concerned. Can you help?
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Why Am I Spotting?
Last Updated: May 2, 2022
Hello Rica,
There are many reasons for spotting: hormonal, pathological, pregnancy for a few. Without any further background other possibilities come to mind. You may be having a long cycle in which due to stress the build up of estrogen is suboptimal and continues to stimulate endometrial growth but does not trigger ovulation. This would cause mucus tinged with blood. Once the stress is alleviated ovulation may occur and menstruation would follow after a couple of weeks if there is no pregnancy.
Another cause could be an insufficient luteal phase where the level of progesterone produced is inadequate and the menstrual bleeding pattern starts with several days of spotting or ends with three or more days of spotting.
There is also the possibility of pregnancy. Given your descriptions I charted the events as one does when using a Natural Family Planning method. Day 1 of your cycle is the the first day of menstruation. Intercourse occurred on day 14 which in a regular 28 day cycle could likely be a fertile day. If there was conception the embryo would reach the uterus and implant 6 to 9 days later. Sometimes this is a cause of spotting or bleeding. In your case the spotting began eleven days after the act of intercourse. Regardless of the reason it is always a good idea to see a physician for diagnosis of any unusual bleeding. Charting your cycles can yield a great deal of information to help with dating a pregnancy, identifying ovulation and days of fertility and infertility as well as recognizing reproductive problems.
If you live in California our web site has a list of NFP teachers. You can contact one in your area.
Angie Frausto
There are many reasons for spotting: hormonal, pathological, pregnancy for a few. Without any further background other possibilities come to mind. You may be having a long cycle in which due to stress the build up of estrogen is suboptimal and continues to stimulate endometrial growth but does not trigger ovulation. This would cause mucus tinged with blood. Once the stress is alleviated ovulation may occur and menstruation would follow after a couple of weeks if there is no pregnancy.
Another cause could be an insufficient luteal phase where the level of progesterone produced is inadequate and the menstrual bleeding pattern starts with several days of spotting or ends with three or more days of spotting.
There is also the possibility of pregnancy. Given your descriptions I charted the events as one does when using a Natural Family Planning method. Day 1 of your cycle is the the first day of menstruation. Intercourse occurred on day 14 which in a regular 28 day cycle could likely be a fertile day. If there was conception the embryo would reach the uterus and implant 6 to 9 days later. Sometimes this is a cause of spotting or bleeding. In your case the spotting began eleven days after the act of intercourse. Regardless of the reason it is always a good idea to see a physician for diagnosis of any unusual bleeding. Charting your cycles can yield a great deal of information to help with dating a pregnancy, identifying ovulation and days of fertility and infertility as well as recognizing reproductive problems.
If you live in California our web site has a list of NFP teachers. You can contact one in your area.
Angie Frausto
Answered By:

Angie Frausto
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