
CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of related topics. Programs range from continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

Women and Couples

The most oft repeated response to learning NFP is “Why didn’t anyone ever tell me about this sooner?” Once we learn to understand, observe, appreciate, and integrate the daily signs of our cycle of fertility and infertility, women often feel misled that our education and healthcare to date consisted solely of seeking to disrupt and destroy the normal function of our body. And being offered only the exact same band aid response, when we report symptoms of dysfunction, like painful periods, disabling PMS, or unusual bleeding.

Discovering NFP, we learn that we can space our children simply by learning to identify which days are fertile, and that when we present with signs of dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, impaired fertility, or recurrent miscarriage, there are physicians whose philosophy, training and expertise is to use our valuable health record of the charting of the biological signs to diagnose the dysfunction and seek to restore and support normal function and optimal health.

Women and couples, and those who serve them, must believe that we deserve no less.  

Clergy and Seminarians

CANFP provides a comprehensive program of continuing education for clergy. Over 500 priests, deacons, and seminarians from California have attended the CANFP Program God Design for Married Love. The program can be adapted to fit the schedule of the sponsoring diocese. While half day or full day programs can be provided, in our experience, a program which spans several days permits a fuller development of the topic, with CANFP experts such as clergy, physicians, NFP teachers, and couples, sharing expertise and personal and professional experience on the topic from scientific, pastoral, and relational perspectives.

CANFP is ready to work with your diocese to provide a program tailored to your needs.

NFP Professionals

Support the dedicated NFP professionals in your region with a continuing education opportunity. CANFP can provide seminars, from a single speaker evening format, to a day long seminar, or rejuvenating retreat, for your NFP professionals


Young women and men deserve accurate information to understand the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty. Young women who understand all the phases and events of their menstrual cycle come to know that it is much more complex than just a monthly bleed, are empowered to make choices that honor their feminine design, and are better able to advocate for themselves by insisting on authentic women’s healthcare so as to maintain hormonal and procreative health.

Youth Outreach

Many CANFP Professionals throughout California provide presentations on fertility appreciation for schools and youth group to educate young women and men on the physiological, relational, and spiritual components of fertility and sexuality, and to support them in their commitment to a lifetime of chastity and sexual integrity. Find an Expert in our online directory, or contact CANFP for speaker availability, for your school or youth group. 

Youth Resources

The network of CANFP professionals are available to women of all ages, including those just beginning to menstruate, to provide education, support, and healthcare services that provide the knowledge and practical tools to integrate and appreciate our fertility. Women, especially young women, grow in understanding, respect, and confidence in their own bodies through the concrete experience of observing and charting the daily changes. Moms experienced in charting their own cycles, are the best first teacher and support in teaching their daughters how to track their own cycles. Having her own personal NFP teachers can be a great supplement and support for both mom and daughter. CANFP is here to educate and support both Moms and their daughters, and offers resources on this site, including:

  • Directory of professionals to provide practical tools, support and guidance, including NFP teachers and physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare that seeks to optimize normal healthy function 
  • Articles for youth and by youth that encourage lives of sexual integrity
  • Responses by our experts to questions posed by youth
  • Speakers for schools, and youth groups, to share the vision of sexual integrity rooted in empowering knowledge

Healthcare Professionals

CANFP provides speakers for continuing education for physicians and allied health professionals, and their staff, in hospital or office setting. Topics include Women’s Health, Restorative Reproductive Medicine, Infertility and Miscarriage, Modern Natural Family Planning, and more. Contact CANFP for a program tailored to your needs. We can also direct Physicians other Healthcare Professionals to the more extensive training available to become a Medical Consultant.

Pregnancy Resource Centers

CANFP offers seminars designed to equip Center staff and volunteers to be more aware of resources available to them and those they serve. Be empowered to confidently support women to experience the freedom that comes with respecting their nature and awesome design through charting cycles and the chaste integration and practical application of Natural Family Planning. Participants will be more knowledgeable on modern methods of Natural Family Planning, their application in achieving pregnancy and avoiding pregnancy, and the vital role they play in the diagnosis and treatment of common reproductive health disorders, and infertility. Transform fertility from an abstract concept, to a lived reality. Contact CANFP to tailor a program to the needs of your center.

Staff In-service

CANFP Professional Members conduct In Services for your staff to update them on modern Natural Family Planning. Presentations tailored to specific audiences, ranging from staff of a medical practice or clinic, middle school and high school faculty, pregnancy resource center staff and volunteers, and the staff and ministry leaders of a church or diocese. Contact CANFP for availability and specifics.

NFP Teacher Training

Interested in becoming an NFP Teacher? CANFP is here to help you navigate the options, and to support you in the process of becoming an NFP teacher. Upcoming California NFP Teacher training programs available here (?). More info on teacher training programs available here.

Consider a CANFP membership

Get the most out of our educational offerings by signing up for one of our memberships. We offer memberships for a variety of interest groups, learn more today!

Upcoming educational events

Consult our Event Calendar for upcoming CANFP events, from regional seminars to statewide conferences—for those exploring NFP for the first time, and veteran NFP users/advocates. Not seeing an event in your region? Contact CANFP to bring an event to your region! This event calendar also will display California events of interest to our NFP community.


Tune Up Tuesday

April 22
, 2025
April Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features an opportunity to share difficult cases with colleagues.

Tune Up Tuesday

May 27
, 2025
May Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features Andreya Arevalo, CFCP.  Topic: Presenting Theology of the Body and NFP to Teens.

Tune Up Tuesday

June 24
, 2025
June Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features Theresa Stigen, MD. Topic: New Infertility Treatments for Premature Ovarian Failure/Declining Ovarian Function

Tune Up Tuesday

July 22
, 2025
July Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features attendees discussion:  sharing NFP Week ideas, and general obstacles and challenges.

Tune Up Tuesday

August 26
, 2025
August Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features Elisa Yao, MD. Topic: Restoring Ovulation

Tune Up Tuesday

September 23
, 2025
September Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members. Topic: TBD

Tune Up Tuesday

October 28
, 2025
October Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, topic TBD.

Tune Up Tuesday

November 25
, 2025
November Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, topic TBD.

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CANFP conducts varied outreach programs to the community at large, in addition to serving our members (NFP users, teachers, and advocates).

CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of topics related to it.

Programs can be continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

CANFP offers a variety of resources for those just discovering Natural Family Planning, as well as to meet the varied needs of our CANFP Members. Most resources are available to any visitors to our site. Some resources do ask you to register as a site user in order to access them, others are available only to CANFP Members.

CANFP statewide conferences, regional events offered in collaboration with local partners, events featuring CANFP speakers, or exhbit, as well as other events throughout the state of interest to our NFP community.  Come meet one of our experts at one of these events or book a speaker for your own upcoming event.

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.

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