Get Involved

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.

Some of our most immediate needs include: Parish Liaison, Prayer Team Leader, Membership, Support, Digital Communications, Contributors to CANFP NEWS

become a CANFP member

If you are involved or interested in NFP, personally or profesionally—or want to be!—we invite you to join CANFP! We offer memberships for all interest levels—learn more today!

Join The Team

We welcome your active participation in CANFP! Perhaps an area below appeals to you, or perhaps you have an idea you would like to propose? We would love to hear from you! Both volunteer and contracted positions available. The list below is in order of importance from top to bottom.

Conference Team

Let us introduce you to our Conference Planning Committee—opportunities to be involved in the planning of CANFP Conferences. Conference Planning Committee members each assume responsibility for a different aspect of the conference, and meet monthly by conference call to coordinate efforts. If you are interested in serving as a chairperson, or on a committee, please contact

Conference Chair

Executive Director, with CANFP Board: develop theme, agenda, budget, speakers, coordinate speakers travel/topic/presentation materials, negotiate contracts with local site and all vendors, coordinate, supervise and support panning committee chairs, develop timelines, submit final report to Board. Chairperson: Sheila St. John,

Site Advance

Research and submit local site/ catering/ recording/ translator/ hotel proposals, suggest local speakers, regional promotion, pursue local funding and sponsorship.

Volunteer Coordinator and Local Resource Contact

Serve as local resource to other committees, and assemble local volunteer team to assist with regis/ hospitality/ transportation/ childcare/ exhibits/ setup/ breakdown, and supervise volunteer efforts, before and during event.


Collaborate with conference chair and online chair in setting up registration process, coordinate all pre-conference registrations and confirmation mailings, set up and supervise on site registration process, collect and account for income, follow though with all post conference accounts, track proceeds and attendance, provide appropriate chairs (CEU, childcare, etc) with participant list and contact info.

Online Services

Post pre and post conference information/video/photos, set up online registration.

Funding and Development

Identify donors to partially underwrite conference expenses or provide in kind services.

Continuing Ed

Be familiar with and comply with BRN requirements, communicate with other chairs to insure all requirements met (promotional materials wording, etc), create/administer/collect test/evals, maintain appropriate records, provide documentation to participants post event.

Materials/Graphic Development

Create logo, conference brochure, program, promotional materials, signage for event.


Prepare and submit articles and press releases statewide, before and after event, identify target audiences, promote regionally.

Speaker Coordinator

Communicate with speakers re: topics, AV needs, taping, expectations, travel and hotel accommodations, obtain CV and pictures.


Coordinate food for receptions and hospitality room, determine what food service can be provided by committee and coordinate, coordinate, work with caterer for remaining conference meals.


Prepare exhibitor form, solicit and coordinate exhibitors, communicate with exhibitors re: needs/suitability/content, supervise exhibit area, setup/takedown/staff and supervise CANFP exhibit, seek opportunities to exhibit locally to promote event.

Conference Packets

Solicit program information and submit to graphics chair (letters of endorsement, advertisers) order all contents, local info/discounts, and assemble—-prepare and tabulate evaluations.

Calegari Award

Executive Board comprises this committee, selecting recipient, obtaining award, planning presentation Chairperson: Sheila St. John,


Obtain appropriate site, set up childcare, communicate with families in advance who are utilizing, assure proper child/adult ratio, compliance with any requirements, arrange entertainment/activities, prepare suitable space, obtain and supervise volunteers staffing the childcare.

Liturgy Chair

Arrange liturgies, compile list of nearby services, coordinate with local parish/Cathedral and celebrants.


Flowers, plants, podium, centerpieces.


Coordinate outlines and obtain and assist facilitators, prepare and set up signage

On Site Volunteers

Session Monitors (support and time speakers, start/end sessions on time, be sure AV equipment present and functioning), Registration table, staff exhibits for CANFP and speakers, childcare supervisors, transportation coordinator to pick up and return speakers to airport/hotel, audiovisual support to speakers, pre conference team to meet on site.

Donate to CANFP

Support expanding the CANFP team with your financial gift

Stay Up To Date on Everything CANFP

Join our email list and never miss an event, NFP news, informational articles, and more!

Submit An Article

Submissions welcome to our quarterly CANFP NEWS. Share your professional expertise, or personal journey or perspective. We publish only original, never before published submissions.

Become an NFP Teacher or Medical Consultant

Share your passion for NFP with others, by training to teach NFP. CANFP can guide you to NFP teacher training programs, as well as advanced training for Physicians and other Healthcare providers to serve as Medical Consultants, and support you through the process

Become a Speaker

Our team of Professionals who comprise our Speakers Bureau are experienced in speaking to a variety of audiences—youth, professionals, physicians, clergy, couples—not only on NFP, but the broad range of related health, relational, and spiritual topics that reflect our mission. Contact CANFP to join our Speakers Bureau—sharing your personal NFP witness, or professional expertise—or to Book a Speaker.

Board Openings

CANFP is directed by a dedicated team of professionals who volunteer their service on the CANFP Executive Board. Currently, applications for Board Membership are being considered for the below areas of expertise. All candidates considered, with priority given to applicants with experience in one of above, and/or representing San Bernardino, Santa Rosa, Stockton, Orange, San Jose, or Fresno regions.

Upcoming CANFP Events

Come volunteer at one of our upcoming events! It takes a large team and a lot of coordination to run a conference and all help is greatly appreciated.


Tune Up Tuesday

April 22
, 2025
April Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features an opportunity to share difficult cases with colleagues.

Tune Up Tuesday

May 27
, 2025
May Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features Andreya Arevalo, CFCP.  Topic: Presenting Theology of the Body and NFP to Teens.

Tune Up Tuesday

June 24
, 2025
June Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features Theresa Stigen, MD. Topic: New Infertility Treatments for Premature Ovarian Failure/Declining Ovarian Function

Tune Up Tuesday

July 22
, 2025
July Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features attendees discussion:  sharing NFP Week ideas, and general obstacles and challenges.

Tune Up Tuesday

August 26
, 2025
August Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, features Elisa Yao, MD. Topic: Restoring Ovulation

Tune Up Tuesday

September 23
, 2025
September Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members. Topic: TBD

Tune Up Tuesday

October 28
, 2025
October Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, topic TBD.

Tune Up Tuesday

November 25
, 2025
November Tune Up Tuesday, for CANFP Professional Members, topic TBD.

Create An Account

This is not a membership, this is an account for our CANFP website. If you decide you would like to sign up for one of our memberships later, you can do so with or without this account.

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CANFP conducts varied outreach programs to the community at large, in addition to serving our members (NFP users, teachers, and advocates).

CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of topics related to it.

Programs can be continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

CANFP offers a variety of resources for those just discovering Natural Family Planning, as well as to meet the varied needs of our CANFP Members. Most resources are available to any visitors to our site. Some resources do ask you to register as a site user in order to access them, others are available only to CANFP Members.

CANFP statewide conferences, regional events offered in collaboration with local partners, events featuring CANFP speakers, or exhbit, as well as other events throughout the state of interest to our NFP community.  Come meet one of our experts at one of these events or book a speaker for your own upcoming event.

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.

Stay informed by joining our email list

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Which role(s) best describes you?