Theology of the Body Weekly Radio Program

by Fr. Ed Horning

I am happy to share with you news of a media network—ESNE—that is sharing the “good news” with the Spanish speaking world. ESNE stands for El Sembrador Nueva Evangelizacion (which translates into The Sower: New Evangelization in English). The full-time radio apostolate covers states like California, Colorado, and Utah; major market cities that include Chicago, Las Vegas, Guadalajara, Tijuana, and Mexicali, with a large internet international audience as well. There is also a full-time television apostolate through Roku, Direct TV, Dish Latino, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV.

I have been able to host a weekly radio show on the Theology of the Body for almost four years now, which of course, includes a great deal of discussion of sex, marriage, and natural family planning. The show is very popular, and interest has prompted us to host natural family planning teachers from the San Bernardino region, and NaproTechnology doctors from Puebla, Mexico on the program. Some additional topics we have covered on the program include the faults of the California comprehensive sex education program, gender ideologies, same sex attraction, couples living together before marriage, and overcoming offenses against chastity. We receive call-in questions on a wide range of topics, including sexual ethics, contraception, menstrual cycles, marriage validity, chastity, comprehensive sex education, natural family planning challenges, and the perspective of the Gospel.

The program provides the opportunity to share in person and online resources with people, and we often refer them to the resources of CANFP at, including the directory of providers available there, for those calling from California. I would like for us to continue to build up the CANFP network and professional directory with more and more teachers, physicians, and clergy resources. There is such a need! For those calling from around the country, and indeed, from around the world, we connect them with the NFP teachers and NaProTechnology doctors in their state or country.

number of married people have called to share with us how the theology of the body has helped them to live their marriage vows in new and deeper ways. Couples have not only learned about natural family planning on the show, many share with us they went on to learn NFP in their local area, or through an online course. Some of my favorite feedback on the program, is from couples calling to tell us they had stopped using contraception, began to use natural family planning, and became open to children. In the course of the four years on the radio, we are aware of at least two couples whose changed hearts led to the conception of two children. One family even named their son Eduardo!

It’s been a blessing to be provided this platform to share the good news about sex, marriage, natural family planning and the theology of the body.

Listeners can tune in to Fr. Horning’s radio program, Theology of the Body, Thursdays at AM

880AM: Monterey/Salinas/San Jose

1460AM Los Angeles

1670AM San Bernardino

1040AM San Diegoor online at

Are you an NFP Teacher, Physician, or Clergy Supporter in the these listening audiences? Join these CANFP Professional Members as a resource at


Fr. Jim Bevacqua

Maria Elena & Rene Burgos
Teacher: Family of the Americas

Rev. Marcos Gonzalez

Jeannine & Ben Lochtenberg
Teacher: Billings Ovulation Method

Alejandro & Lilia Morelos
Teacher: Family of the Americas

Trisha & Mark Munoz
Teacher: Couple to Couple League

Joan Noyes
Teacher: Family of the Americas

Msgr. Martin Slaughter

Peggy Stofila
Teacher: Creighton Model

Grace Tomooka
Teacher: Family of the Americas


Sheila St. John, CFCP
Teacher: Creighton Model


Fr. Paul Schmidt, SVD


George Delgado, MD, FAAFP

Fr. Ed Horning

Sharon Pearce
Teacher: Billings Ovulation Method

Faiza Saroki
Teacher: Family of the Americas

Theresa Stigen, MD

Suzanne Regul, MD

Contact CANFP to become a Professional Member and list YOUR California services:


About The Author

Fr. Ed Horning
Fr Edward Horning, Professional Member of CANFP, is a Priest for the Diocese of San Diego and Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of the Valley Parish in El Centro, CA.


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