The Role and Importance of the Clergy in a New Era of NFP Fr. Luke Dysinger, OSB, MD
The majority of priests are uncomfortable discussing NFP with couples or fellow-clergy, or in their preaching/catechesis. This presentation reviews some of the reasons why this is so and suggests ways in which dialogue with laity and health-care professionals can be renewed and enlivened.
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Fr. Luke studied religion and medicine at the University of Southern California, and received his D. Phil in Theology from Oxford University. Prior to joining the monastic community at Saint Andrew’s Abbey in 1980, he trained as a physician, and is board certified in family practice and a fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice, serving as member and former-chair of the bioethics committee at Antelope Valley Medical Center, where he is on the medical staff. He teaches marriage and human sexuality, bioethics, patristics, and the history of Christian spirituality at Saint John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California.