Thank You to 2024 CANFP Members and Supporters!

CANFP NEWS Winter 2025

$7,550 Supporters

Shahera & Dylan St. John


$2,500-$3,250 Supporters

Beth & Gary Schuberg
Ann & Mike Briley
Mark Schuberg
Betsy & Bill Goyette
Niki & Simon Goerger


$1,000-$2,100 Supporters

M. Suzanne Regul, MD
Archdiocese of San Francisco
Fr. Blaise Berg
St. Joseph Basilica Alameda
Carlin & Deacon Dave Gould
Gregory Polito, MD, KM
Catherine Fisher
Grace Berg
Patricia & John Hierro
Eric Schuberg


$350-$750 Supporters

Stacey & David Bunn
Jennifer & Brian Cilker
Winnie & Bob Neill
Shilo & Theresa Stigen, MD
Kathleen Stewart
Ileane & Travis Athougies
Sheila St. John
Loree Lippsmeyer
David Zarri
Erika & Josh Watkins
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Fairfield
St. Ferdinand San Fernando
St. Joachim Madera
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Diocese of Santa Rosa
Diocese of Orange
Edie Sickman
Fr. Joseph Illo
Patti and Dr. Rob Chasuk
Cecy & Mike Crary
Georgianne Stehly
Jean & Ben Lochtenberg


$350-$750 Supporters

Peggy & Mark Stofila
Fr. Alvaro Delgado
Holy Family Glendale
San Rafael San Diego
St. Andrew Pasadena
St Joseph Los Banos
St Joseph Los Angeles
St. Margaret Oceanside
Our Lady of Guadalupe Bakersfield
All Saints University Parish Turlock
St. Bede La Canada Flintridge
St. Columba Chowchilla
St. John Vianney San Jose
St. Rose of Lima Maywood
Star of the Sea San Francisco
Juanita & Deacon Dan Patterson
Mary Davenport, MD
Faiza Saroki
Joan Noyes
Uta Trogele
Dave Shaneyfelt
Judy & Eric Wilmurt
Linda & Mike Pirotta
Andrea & Ron Gronsky
Fr. Daniel McCaffrey
Suzanne & Paul Macdonald, MD


$100-$150 Supporters

Donald Roberts
Kathryn Ogden
Anita Lucketti
Jeff Schuberg
Sandra Ruelas
Andres Wong
Debi Hoppe
Jennifer Schaeffer
Rasha Tominna
Sandra Rowe
Erica Rossio
Jenny Perez
Sharon Pearce
Jessica Rizzo
Mary Dausch
Andreya Arevalo
Suzanne Arend
Stefania Alzati
Julie Linder
Vicki Delucchi
Mary Schoch
Mayra Garcia-Ceja
Mary and Stan Wasiel
Terry & Jose Maes
Gabriela & Alfredo Aguilar
Gustavo & Lucia Zinkewich
Mariana & Carlos Lopez
Shawna & Bryan Johnson
Lilia & Alejandro Morelos
Mary Lynn & Tom Ott
Finola Glassmoyer
Elisa Yao, MD
Liz &George Delgado, MD
Michel Accad, MD
Dave Hammons, MD
Candice Golez, MD
Peter Sultana, MD
Lauren Rubal, MD
Mary Kotob, MD
Fr. Robert Borges
Fr. Marcos Gonzalez
Fr. Steven Wood
Fr. Ed Horning
Fr. Tom Orlando
Fr. Paul Schmidt
Fr. Jim Bevacqua
Fr. Michael Moore
Deacon Bill Turrentine
Deacon Joe Sullivan
Maria Elena & Deacon Rene Burgos


$10-$80 Supporters

Cecilia & Gervaci Medina
Linda & Michael Juster
Melissa & Santiago Solares
Kathleen & Brandon Harker
Mary & Al Strazdas
Mary Burke-Farrell
Reyna & Thomas Korman
Kathleen & Felix Gastello
Maureen & Bob Kick
Rita & Joe Helfrick
Michele & Tom Spencer
Steven Wilkins
Maria Valdez
Maryah Nunez
Josue Marin
Kendra Horn
Renee Harris
Bethany Dahlke
Julia Nader
Karen Grehm
Paula Parola
Sarah Rooney
Janet Bardales
Kathleen Brinda
Susan McConneloug
Mary Anne Anderson
Debbie Bradel


Latest Announcements from CANFP


What: Monthly Zoom Seminars When: 4th Tuesday of every month, from 7p-8pm* Who should attend: Professional Members of CANFP Format:

Bringing the Blessings of NFP to Pro Life Warriors at 2025 Walk for Life

Advocating for life even before conception because we take the mystery out of fertility…not the miracle.

CANFP “On the Road”

CANFP Professional Members/Physicians, Lynn Keenan, MD, Robert Chasuk, MD, Gretchen Marsh, DO, and Mary Davenport, MD, with CANFP Executive Director

CANFP Launching Monthly Zoom Meetings for Our CANFP Professionals

Coming in Jan. 2025! Monthly Zoom Meet Ups for NFP Professionals Discussing topics such as: Chart Reviews PCOS Unusual Bleeding

Seeking $20,000 Support by End of 2024

2024 CANFP Income to date: $32,000 2024 CANFP Expenses to date: $52,000 Your end of year donation is appreciated, to

2024 Highlights to Date

EXHIBIT OUTREACH West Coast Walk for Life San Francisco Los Angeles Religious Ed Congress Anaheim Converging Roads Conference Menlo Park

Looking for an NFP Teacher? Want to BE an NFP Teacher?

Looking for an Expert NFP Teacher? For elite group of NFP Teachers who are CANFP Professional Members go to FIND

Application Deadline Looming for FertilityCare Practitioner California Education Program

California FertilityCare Education Program offered by: FertilityCare Services Limited Education Programs Go to to view flyer Deadline to apply:

Planning for NFP Awareness Week

July 21 – 27, 2024 Love Beyond Measure Natural Family Planning Supporting God’s gifts of love and life in marriage

Join the Conversation in CANFP Community Forum!

CANFP Community Forum is a private space to meet, share experiences, and exchange ideas, in a forum available only to

CANFP brings NFP to Converging Roads Seminar at St. Patrick’s Seminary

CANFP shared NFP as a resource to health professionals at the Converging Roads conference at St. Patrick’s Seminary on March

CANFP Visits Parish Members

CANFP visited Parish Members St. Andrews, in Pasadena, and Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Copatroness of the Unborn, in

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CANFP conducts varied outreach programs to the community at large, in addition to serving our members (NFP users, teachers, and advocates).

CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of topics related to it.

Programs can be continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

CANFP offers a variety of resources for those just discovering Natural Family Planning, as well as to meet the varied needs of our CANFP Members. Most resources are available to any visitors to our site. Some resources do ask you to register as a site user in order to access them, others are available only to CANFP Members.

CANFP statewide conferences, regional events offered in collaboration with local partners, events featuring CANFP speakers, or exhbit, as well as other events throughout the state of interest to our NFP community.  Come meet one of our experts at one of these events or book a speaker for your own upcoming event.

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.

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