I am about seven weeks pregnant. I have had two miscarriages and I have PCOS. I went last week for a vaginal ultrasound and they only saw a sac, not sure if they saw much else. Told me it may be too soon so come back in two weeks. Checked my progesterone level (had been on 8% gel for four days) and it was 6.5 so they started me on progesterone shots every day. Two days later I passed little clumps of fleshy type matter, no blood or cramping. I called the Dr. and she told me to come for HCG levels. First one was 15,054, two days later was 21,617. She called and said that I am probably miscarrying and the progesterone is probably giving us a false HCG reading so stop the shots and come for HCG test in two days. I am worried about stopping the shots because it will for sure cause a miscarriage. Your thoughts on all of this?
Afraid to Stop Progesterone Injections
Last Updated: November 15, 2021
I am truly sorry to hear of your situation. I believe your instincts are correct in that if you stopped the progesterone, you may precipitate a miscarriage. I do not think the progesterone is falsely elevating the HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and you should get a second opinion.
HCG is a hormone that helps to maintain the corpus luteum, the structure responsible for producing progesterone. Progesterone, as you know, helps to maintain the pregnancy. In fact, HCG can be used by injection to help stimulate the corpus luteum. This is because HCG is chemically very similar to lutenizing hormone (LH), another naturally occurring hormone, which “lutenizes” the leftover follicle, turning it into the corpus luteum. LH is not yet available for injection.
Again, I would stay on the progesterone until it is established whether or not there has been a miscarriage. Also, as a consideration, there are many physicians who are trained in the area of PCOS and repeat miscarriages. CANFP and American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals have contact information on these doctors.
I hope that this will be of help to you.
Dr. Gretchen Marsh
Answered By:

Gretchen Marsh, D.O.
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