Thank you for your website! It is very easy to use and provides lots of good information. I have recently relocated to a new area (Lancaster, PA) from Richmond, VA and am having a hard time finding a provider who takes my charting and temperature concerns seriously. I have been trying to have a second child for about 18 months now (with one miscarriage at 8 weeks during that time). I have noted that my temps are much lower (post ovulation) now then they were before we conceived our son and my cycle is getting shorter and shorter (now down to 25-26 days). While this may be in the normal range it is not normal for me and I cannot find a provider who will go over my charts with me and take my concerns seriously as my husband and I really desire a large family and are not getting any younger (I am 30 & he is 32). Doctors all want me to wait one year after miscarriage to talk to a fertility specialist and don’t even want to look at my charts or address my low temperature concerns. They all (I have seen 2 at different groups) say well, lets just wait and see. Any advice on how to find a provider to take my concerns and body signs seriously would be appreciated.
Thank you very much!