My husband and I have been married for ten years and have always been open to life. We noticed after the first year of marriage we were not conceiving so we began charting using the Billings Method of NFP to conceive and had testing done (nothing wrong). However, we still did not conceive after another year and a half so we let it be, thinking we were trying too hard.
Then we heard about NaProTechnology and learned to chart using the Creighton Model. By charting we (our counselor) found out I had breakthrough bleeding and also brown bleeding at the beginning and end of my cycle which was an indicator that I had low progesterone (which blood tests later confirmed).
We conceived in March and miscarried at five weeks. I was using 25mg of progesterone suppositories (my doc at the time was not keen on progesterone). Six months later, while using 50mg of prog. supp. after ovulation I conceived again. We gave birth to our miracle five weeks early.
And now here we are. This past July I conceived again and at 7.5 weeks we were able to hear the heartbeat 140 beats per minute and see our baby. I was on 200 mg of Prometrium after ovulating in July which helped me conceive. I had asked the doctor (new one) to please check my progesterone levels since I was concerned they may drop. Two weeks later I called since I did not hear from them. They never checked my levels and I miscarried around a week later (11.5 weeks). I did not have a D&C; I miscarried at home. I bled for three weeks, had two weeks of respite and my period came back Nov. 1st, and lasted for ten days, stopped for a day, then I had brown bleeding/spotting.
Today is Nov. 15 and I am lightly bleeding again. Why is this happening? Is it normal? Should I begin Prometrium soon to restart my cycles? We want to conceive again soon……