I am 29 years old and have had four miscarriages. I first got pregnant right off of the pill and carried until week 13.5 in April. In September I was pregnant again, on baby aspirin, and m/c at 7.5 weeks. In December I was pregnant again and m/c at five weeks. Then I had an hsg and everything was normal. All the babies were normal. I have seen a specialist who did every blood test including fasting insulin, thyroid, lupus, antiphospolid, etc. and I am normal. The specialist then put me on estridol and progesterone right when I ovulated and I was monitered the first week of pregnancy in June. I m/c again at 7.5 weeks in July.
Each time I miscarried I had a D&C. Why did I carry the first one so much longer than the other three? Was it due to coming off of birth control? Could I have a scarred uterus? The Dr. wants me on Heparin next time. Your suggestions and thoughts would be most appreciated.