My name is Amanda and my husband and I are devout Catholics looking into starting NFP. I have 15-month-old boy/girl twins and just had another child (a boy) on the 14th of August this year. Both of my pregnancies went great. It was after I delivered the babies that I had problems. I hemmhoraged really bad with both births right after they were delivered. This last time was very serious and I almost needed a hysterectomy. I delivered both times vaginally as well. My son was born just a little over a week ago and I am still recovering and bleeding.
My question is…I would LOVE to start using NFP so as to space out the next pregnancy. I know I want more children just not right now. I need time for my body to heal and I need to figure out why I hemmhorage after delivering. It’s very scary to think that I might not be here to raise my children if anything were to happen to me again with another pregnancy and delivery. When do I start charting and using a basal body thermometer since I am only two weeks post-partum? And if there are any other tips you can give me about using NFP they would be greatly appreciated.
I went through the course once about three to four years ago when my husband and I were engaged, but I probably need a refresher course.
Thanks so much.