Dear Theresa,
Cyclogest is bioidentical progesterone. If you have low progesterone levels, progesterone can be helpful in the first (and sometimes the second and third) trimesters in preventing miscarriage or premature labor. Low progesterone is a treatable cause of miscarriage. I follow the protocols of the Pope Paul VI Institute for progesterone therapy, which are excellent. Obtaining progesterone levels – what we would call trough levels that reflect your body’s production of progesterone rather than what you are getting from the Cyclogest – are helpful in guiding therapy. It is hard to get too much progesterone in the first trimester. Later in pregnancy, a few studies have linked excessive progesterone to the very rare occurrence of urinary tract anomalies such as hypospadias in males to excessive progesterone levels. So using the blood levels for guidance is a good idea. In general, the loss of pregnancy and premature labor due to to low progesterone is very common, whereas hypospadias is relatively rare.
In your situation, it could also be helpful to obtain tests for treatable causes of miscarriage such as low thyroid, blood sugar abnormalities, ureaplasma/mycoplasma, and thrombophilas (production of antibodies causing clots in the placenta) such as anti-cardiolpin antibody and lupus anti-coagulant. And as you probably know, many miscarriages are not preventable because they are due to chromosome problems in the embryo. Best wishes with this pregnancy.
Mary L. Davenport, M.D