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CANFP encourages and welcomes article submissions for our online and print newsletter, CANFP NEWS. Share your personal and professional insights with our readers and subscribers!

Summer 2024

How to Preach against Artificial Contraception

by Michael Pakaluk

In my now 40 years as a Catholic, only once have I heard a priest as homilist teach that artificial

Summer 2024

We Were Blessed

by Fr. Blaise Berg, STD

It does not happen every day, but it does happen. And when it happens, it is a gift. I am

Summer 2024

WANTED: NFP Teachers

by Sheila St. John

We have seen many of our California NFP teachers discontinuing their services in the last few years. Some are simply

Summer 2024

Meet Our Member: Andreya Arevalo

by Andreya Arevalo

I’ve proudly served as a FertilityCare Practitioner of the Creighton Model (CrMS) since 2019. My journey with CANFP began concurrently

Summer 2024

The Three “C”s of Marriage

by George Delgado, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.

Wise people have said, “As the family goes so society goes”. For years, we have bemoaned the divorce rate in

Summer 2024

Jesus: Lamb and Lion

by Fr. Alvaro Delgado

In the Gospel of John, Jesus enters the temple with the force of a hurricane, overturns tables, and drives out

Spring 2024

Embryo Adoption: Setting the Frozen Free?

by Fr. Jerome Magat, SThD

The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling regarding the personhood status of frozen embryos has reintroduced discussions regarding the morality of

Spring 2024

The Heartbreaking Paradox of IVF

by Alison Zinkewich

In our five year struggle with infertility, the first suggestion from friends and coworkers was always, “why don’t you try

Spring 2024

IVF: Not a Panacea but a Pandora’s Box

by Lauren Rubal, MD, FACOG

The news cycle has finally focused on an area of medicine that typically goes under the radar: in vitro fertilization

Spring 2024

The Gift of Children

by Fr. Blaise Berg, STD

One Sunday when I was a parish priest, I was greeting parishioners filing out of the church after Mass. A

Spring 2024

IVF Is Your Only Option—NOT!

by Sheila St. John

Over and over again, I respond to inquiries from woman seeking to achieve a pregnancy who were told by their

Spring 2024

Meet Member Joan Noyes

by Joan Noyes

My name is Joan Noyes and I have been a member of CANFP for 28 years. I joined the organization

Read About The Experience Of NFP, From Those Living It

NFP Has Been a Blessing

Practicing NFP as an unmarried, 24-year-old woman has been one of the greatest blessings of my early twenties. I wouldn’t describe myself as a very tenacious person. I am not motivated to complete tasks simply from the satisfaction of checking them off my list. My motivation comes from being able...

NFP Challenged Our Relationship

Our journey with Natural Family Planning (NFP) was far from easy. Carlos, a committed Protestant, and I, raised in a Catholic family, faced a significant hurdle as our wedding drew near. Carlos came to realize that I intended to use NFP, a method he disagreed with due to its abstinence...

NFP Worked in Our Marriage In Ways We Did Not Anticipate

When my husband and I first got married we had no idea of the richness of grace our marriage would provide for us as a couple. Being Catholics we had an understanding that contraception wasn’t the way to go in terms of planning our family and that a moral alternative...

Questioning the Status Quo of the Pill Changed Our Lives

When my husband Zach and I married, like every one of my girlfriends, I began taking the birth control pill without hesitation. It was just something every young married woman did, like any other “to do” on the wedding planning checklist: book florist, select responsorial psalm, pick up birth control...

Twists & Turns in My Journey to Learn NFP

As I reflect on my married life and think about all the extreme viewpoints I’ve had in regards to NFP, I can’t help but laugh at myself a bit. If I was truly honest, I’d admit I’ve been all over the place on this topic and have made it much...

How NFP Has Blessed My Marriage And Strengthened My Walk With God During This Struggle Called Life

“The life of man upon earth is warfare.’ So said Job many centuries ago. There are still some easygoing individuals unaware of this fact” St. Josemaria Escriva I read a fascinating article a while ago about happiness. It seems the least happy times for most people are in their 40’s—with...

NFP: Plot Twists From the Great Director and Scriptwriter

“You know this is just a movie, right?” replied my husband Mark, as he graciously changed the channel. The movie had gotten too scary and depicted a scene that I know would give me nightmares. The only way I could control the movie was to not watch it. Sound familiar?...

One Guy’s Challenges

My wife Cassandra and I were married May, 1, 1993. From the beginning of our marriage we wanted to understand and practice natural family planning as the means by which we could live out our vows to each other as well as the Catholic Church’s teachings on the beauty and...

Abraham’s Reward

I never thought I’d have a big family. I certainly wasn’t opposed to it. It just wasn’t in my imagination. There were three of us in our family growing up and my mother, who very much wanted a big family, sadly, was deprived of it for health reasons that resulted...

Source of Grace

Sometimes when I look at the beautiful chaos of my life I am completely amazed by the work that God has done in me. After almost ten years of marriage and four children, I am transformed by His love. Although I am a cradle Catholic, and attended fourteen years of...

Answering the Call

To me, being a Professional Member of CANFP means belonging to an elite group of people in California who are doing God’s work. I am a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner (FCP). Before becoming an FCP, I had a nearly 16year career in agricultural finance. I loved my career and serving...

Diocesan Partners

Wow, CANFP has been around as long as I have been an NFP teacher and that means I have been a member of CANFP for 27 years now! And what a joy it has been to be affiliated with CANFP for all these years. My husband and I first learned...

Questions Answered

Do you remember when you wanted a question answered and you only had a few sources to find the information? Maybe, you asked your parents, a good friend, your doctor or a priest. In this age of technology, the approach to finding answers is much different. My children say, “Just...

The Day Started Out Like Any Other

On March 8, 2017 I went to work like I always had. It was a very typical day until I was nearing the end of my workday. I was setting up for the last patient of the day, when suddenly I realized something was terribly wrong. Confused, and having no...

Walking in Darkness

“Does that look like a line”? “Yep, that’s a line.” So began our joys that would turn into sorrows. My wife and I had been married for four years, and while we had been seeking children, we’d been unable to conceive. In the grand scheme of things four years isn’t...

God Worked in My Life Through Bold Catholic Lay Leaders

When I was 16, my mom “suggested” I attend a retreat organized by our local diocese. I began the retreat filled with resentment towards her for forcing me to go. But as soon as the weekend started, the scales started to fall from my eyes. Here was a group of...

Reluctant Veteran of the Pregnancy Loss Journey

A mother goes through so many emotions when she gets a positive pregnancy test. She experiences excitement and joy for the little person she will love and raise, looking forward to all the things she will teach that little human, and wonderful thoughts of how that sweet baby will change...

What is Dad’s Secret

How did Mom and Dad manage to love each other more each year? Each year I marveled at this, into their sixth decade together. I saw them experience what I lacked and what I generally saw lacking in the world around me. The hot flames of falling in love would...

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CANFP conducts varied outreach programs to the community at large, in addition to serving our members (NFP users, teachers, and advocates).

CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of topics related to it.

Programs can be continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

CANFP offers a variety of resources for those just discovering Natural Family Planning, as well as to meet the varied needs of our CANFP Members. Most resources are available to any visitors to our site. Some resources do ask you to register as a site user in order to access them, others are available only to CANFP Members.

CANFP statewide conferences, regional events offered in collaboration with local partners, events featuring CANFP speakers, or exhbit, as well as other events throughout the state of interest to our NFP community.  Come meet one of our experts at one of these events or book a speaker for your own upcoming event.

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.

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