Hi there all you wonderful experts. This is the very first time I’ve taken the time to go to this “Ask the Experts” Wow!! What a wonderful service!!
My question: A very good pro-life friend of mine (who has nine beautiful children)states her son-in-law, a physician, (who is prolife and won’t do abortions or birth control pill prescriptions) works with other ob/gyns and THEY ask him, when they are not in the office, to do some procedures—like work w/ sperm cells to keep them alive for invitro-fertilization later. He rightfully feels uncomfortable doing this (his well-formed conscience!). I suggested the book, Physicians Healed, edited by Cleta Hartman from One More Soul.
Do you know where this physician can get in touch with any of these doctors? If they have accessible emails, to encourage this young doctor?? Thank you sooo much. I teach N.F.P. and would like to know the answer myself.