NFP office in Fresno, CA?


Do you have offices available in Fresno, California?  How do you get started?  What do we need?


Last Updated: June 26, 2013
Thanks for asking about how to get started learning Natural Family Planning. The first step is as easy as contacting the provider nearest you! And yes, there are NFP services in Fresno. In fact, Fresno is a great place to learn NFP, with several teachers providing instruction, and the support of a physician certified as an NFP Medical Consultant. You can consult the Directory of NFP professionals at This online directory is updated often. For those who may not find a resource listed for their area, it is suggested they contact the nearest NFP professional listed to inquire about services nearest them. Many teachers will also work long distance with a couple if there are not services nearby. You can also contact CANFP at 1-877-33-CANFP with questions about services in your region.

Answered By:

CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and profile organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.

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