I wanted to know if you have a list of physicians who are educated in or supportive of NFP. My husband and I have been using NFP for 3 years and just had a son. My doctor tried rigorously to push birth control at my postpartum visit and I was very uncomfortable. I would love to find a supportive doctor. Can you help??
Home » Ask The Expert » Finding Supportive NFP Doctors
Finding Supportive NFP Doctors
Last Updated: June 9, 2013
Dear Shannon,
We sure do have such a list! We have a Directory of Professional Resources that we have expanded just this year to include Physicians who are “NFP only” and Clergy who are willing and able to respond to inquiries related to the spirituality foundational to NFP, in addition to NFP teachers throughout California. The website version of this directory is updated frequently, and can be consulted at our website, www.canfp.org. The booklet form of the directory can be purchased from our office by sending $11.95 ($10.88 for members), tax and shipping included, to CANFP, 1217 Tyler St., Salinas, CA 93906.
NFP Professionals interested in being listing in the online directory, and the next publication of the booklet directory, can also contact the CANFP Office and we will be happy to mail you a form to be completed, as well as information on becoming a Professional Member of CANFP.
There are many wonderful physicians in California who support those who use NFP, and it is a relief indeed to not have to defend your decision to use a method of family planning that is healthy, effective, and respects the dignity of women and marriage! We are happy to assist you in finding such a physician, and in educating your current physician on the benefits of NFP!
And congratulations on the birth of your son!
We sure do have such a list! We have a Directory of Professional Resources that we have expanded just this year to include Physicians who are “NFP only” and Clergy who are willing and able to respond to inquiries related to the spirituality foundational to NFP, in addition to NFP teachers throughout California. The website version of this directory is updated frequently, and can be consulted at our website, www.canfp.org. The booklet form of the directory can be purchased from our office by sending $11.95 ($10.88 for members), tax and shipping included, to CANFP, 1217 Tyler St., Salinas, CA 93906.
NFP Professionals interested in being listing in the online directory, and the next publication of the booklet directory, can also contact the CANFP Office and we will be happy to mail you a form to be completed, as well as information on becoming a Professional Member of CANFP.
There are many wonderful physicians in California who support those who use NFP, and it is a relief indeed to not have to defend your decision to use a method of family planning that is healthy, effective, and respects the dignity of women and marriage! We are happy to assist you in finding such a physician, and in educating your current physician on the benefits of NFP!
And congratulations on the birth of your son!
Answered By:

CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and profile organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.
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