I have had four miscarriages in the last two years. After my third one, I was told that I had Factor V Leiden and I was put on Heparin. I always seem to get pregnant and lose the baby at four to five weeks. My period is usually four days late and then I start to bleed. Well, I was on the Heparin and I got pregnant and now the same thing happened exactly the same way. So now my doctors are confused since the Heparin would have solved my clotting issues. They told me it really was not my uterus lining because a miscarriage usually happens at nine weeks if that is the case. Then I was told I might be missing a chromosone, but nothing is wrong with me, so I am confused.
Do you have any idea what could be wrong? Why do I lose them so quickly? I am so scared I will never be able to have a baby. Any input would be greatful. Thank you!!