Hi, I’m a physician. I’m 27, married a year ago & trying for a baby since then. I had a very regular cycle,27-29 days. After seven months I started investigations, my 21st day progestrone was 16 & prolactin 11. My husband had seminal analysis (53 million & more than 57% normal sperms). I visited a dr. who said my progestrone should be at least 20 & therefore gave me clomid for three months & gave me a post coital test on day 12 of each cycle, I had viable sperms. My 21st day progestrone was 18.5, 25 & 35 respectively during the three months, I didn’t get pregnant though. I had a hystersalpingogram showing normal tubas except for some perifembrial adhesions on the left & they told me that it’s not a problem. Then my dr. gave menogon (menopausal gonadotrophin) from the 5th day of the cycle two shots for five days. He examined me on 9th & 11th day & gave me pregnyl (HCG) on the 12th day. He told me to have intercourse on the 12th & 13th days. Actually I had unprotected intercourse from day 10 until 14. I took baby asprin & mucolytic a few days prior to ovulation & for ten days. I had progestrone 32 on day 21. On the 24th day I started spotting, 25th changed to bleeding, 26th also bleeding. It almost stopped on the 27th day but I spotted light pink for six more days!! I called him but he said it may be immature menstruation due to high progestrone & artificial cycle. He told me to take a break for a few months.
I’m so frustrated & depressed!! Could you please tell me what’s wrong with me?!
Frustrated and Depressed with Infertility Evaluation
Last Updated: May 2, 2022
Also, I wouldn’t be casual about pertubal adhesions; they can prevent pregnancy by impairing tubal motility and might be a sign of another abnormality such as endometriosis. Since it has been a year, you might benefit from a laparoscopy with an expert surgeon who could clear your peritubal adhesions and any possible endometriosis.
Mary L. Davenport, M.D.
Answered By:

Mary Davenport, MD, MS
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