Good NFP brochures


Are there any GOOD pamphlets or booklets that INTRODUCE NFP? I have one, but it doesn’t look professional and it’s way too brief. I know that one brochure or booklet cannot cover the whole thing, but I believe it can introduce it effectively. Please let me know.


Last Updated: June 17, 2013
Yes there are some good booklets and pamphlets to introduce NFP. We have selected several we find excellent, and packaged them together in an easy to distribute packet. If targeting engaged couples, the packet includes a newsletter of wonderful articles specifically addressing the about to be married group. If you want a packet for a more generic audience, we instead insert a copy of our latest quarterly newsletter, always full of a good mix of scientific and philosophical articles about NFP. In addition to whichever newsletter, we include a “Contraception Why Not” CD or audiotape, by Janet Smith, a copy of “Humanae Vitae”, and a booklet by Charles and Elizabeth Balsam titled “Family Planning: A Guide for Exploring the Options”. These come packaged in a bag which bears the website address and toll free number so they can follow up to find the nearest instructor or get any questions answered. (These packets can be ordered in Spanish or English). We also offer bulk prices on our special marriage edition newsletter, our annual newsletter, or any of the other items in this packet, if you wish to provide them individually. We have selected the items indicated because we feel they cover the topic from several perspectives, and provide the depth of information as well as nice presentation to entice people to read, and listen to this message(Janet Smith’s tape is quite entertaining!) We are also happy to work with you on custom building a packet for your audience, as well, and packing it in our CANFP bag so they always have contact information to follow through with any questions this material may raise, or to find the nearest NFP Professional in California.

Answered By:

Sheila St. John
Sheila St. John is the Executive Director of the California Association of Natural Family Planning, coordinating the non-profit’s education and advocacy efforts throughout the state. Initially attracted to NFP as a healthy, effective method for planning families, drug, device and surgery free, her passion for NFP has grown over the last 42 years as she has journeyed with the over 900 couples she has personally instructed in its use, and been privileged to witness its role in overcoming infertility, women’s health, and the transformation that occurs in lives of men, women, and families, when we embrace God’s design for love and life.

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