My husband and I have three beautiful children (ages 6, 5, and 3 1/2) who were conceived at the first or second try and carried to term without any problem. After my third baby was born (I was 37) I noticed that my periods came back following an unusual pattern: they were spaced as they had always been (23-25 days, with ovulation around day 11), but my menstrual flow would start with a very light spotting, move on to a very heavy flow on day four or five, for about 24 hours, and end two days later. I also started having very strong PMS symptoms, which I never had before (I get angry very easily one or two days before my periods start). Since this pattern was very regular, I decided to ignore it.
I am now 40 and in October, after five months of trying, I conceived again. A couple of days ago, we were devastated to hear that our baby had stopped growing and died after 5 1/2 weeks of gestation.
I opted to go through the miscarriage process at home. While I try to wrap my mind around this horrible loss, I am looking for information, maybe in the vain hope that I can prevent this from happening again. I have learned that all I have described above might be due to low progesterone levels. Is this a possibility? What should I look for when I chart my cycles? Is it considered ethical to take progesterone supplements at my age to try to have another baby, or would a better formed conscience accept the end of childbearing years?
Thank you for this wonderful service.