I have just turned 40 years of age and my husband has just been for a vasectomy reversal after 3.5 years!! Before he went for the reversal I went to the Gynae for a check up to make sure all was in order before we spent all that money! She advised me I had fibroids so put me in hospital for a Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy? And a D and C to make me more fertile. She said at the time of the operation I was ovulating and said all was 100% and the fibroids were not “interfering with nature”. This was three months ago and before that I knew my body like clockwork – I could feel I was ovulating and then when I was due to have a period. Now I am all over the place from 23 days to 33 days! I feel like I am going to have a period with sore breasts, etc but then all I do is brown spot for about 5 days and have the normal period symptoms of ab pain etc. Is this cause for concern? I seem to be engrossed in the thought that this was the wrong thing to do, and that this is now sending me into menopause since I have interfered with nature! Am I being neurotic and could this just be stress as I am now so aware of the fact that I am desperate to fall pregnant? I was 7 days late last month and went back to her – she gave me a scan and assured me I was far from menopause! And 2 days later after she had sent me for a pregnancy test as she said there was a thickening in the uterus which could be an early pregnancy or just a late period – it turned out to be the latter.
Look forward to your reply