My husband and I started having children when I was 29 years old. It was very easy to conceive with all four of our children. We conceived the first try with all but our first in which we conceived the second try. Our last child was born when I was 38. I am now 40 and we would love to have one more child, but we have been trying to conceive for seven months now with no luck. I am still breastfeeding my two- year-old about three times a day for about 10 to 15 minutes each time.
Do you think I am not conceiving because of the breastfeeding or because of my age? I became pregnant with my last child while still breastfeeding. I am very confused and frustrated. What is your advice to me? It is difficult for me to get a doctor’s advice because I am living in another country where medical practices are not so advanced. Thank you so much for your help.