I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant according to my dates. I did a pregnancy test at four weeks one day and it was positive. I had the flu at about the time of implantation and had bad pain in my lower abdomen on my left side and bad low backache. At six weeks two days I went for an ultrasound (external) and they saw a sac and put me at 5w2d, according to size of sac. The day after I started having a brown discharge. I had another ultrasound a week later(transvaginal) and they put me at 5w5d according to a 2mm head to rump measurement and it had a slow heartrate of 86bpm.(If I am 5w5d then my pregnancy test would have shown positive when I was 2 1/2 weeks pregnant). The pain has eased up but the spotting hasn’t. I haven’t had morning sickness as with my previous pregnancies (boy and girl) and I have felt ever since the beginning that things weren’t just right. My hcg levels aren’t going up properly. At 6w3d (according to my dates) hcg 1400, 3 days later 2000, 3 days later 2600. The doctor says its fine since it’s going up and has changed to five day blood tests and another ultrasound in 2.5 weeks.
Is my doctor not telling me everything? I am so stressed I don’t think I can wait another two weeks for an ultrasound. Is there anything else I should do? Should I get a second opinion. What are my chances of a full term pregnancy? (No complications with previous two pregnancies.)