I stopped having my periods and was told that the only thing they could find was a high testosterone level, and they put me on birth control pills. They also told me that I would never get pregnant, but never gave me any reasons why this was going on. I stayed on birth control until Dec when my husband and I decided to try to get pregnant. I got a positive pregnancy test Jan 9th and had a healthy baby girl. After her birth, I never got a period again unless I was on the pill. I don’t want to be on the pill and I want to get pregnant again, but I was once again told the only problem is a high testosterone level and that is it, and they want me on the pill again to suppress the hormone, which still doesn’t make sense since it doesn’t let me ovulate on my own. Is there anything I can do to start ovulating again and keep my testosterone level in check on my own without going on the pill again? I would love to stay off the pill and get healthy so that I can have more children.