My husband and I are interested in becoming NFP teachers. How do we get started with this? We have used the Billings Ovulation Method. Do we have to learn the other methods in order to teach? Does CANFP train teachers?
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NFP Teacher Training
Last Updated: June 11, 2013
CANFP is not currently training NFP teachers, but we sure do want to encourage and assist you in pursuing this goal! It is such a rewarding and fulfilling adventure!
NFP teacher training programs will educate new teachers in all the various signs of fertility, but the teacher will learn to teach a specific methodology. So no, you do not have to learn all the methods to teach, and a teacher would normally use the same method she is teaching.
The teacher training programs vary a great deal in terms of their format, cost, philosophy, and duration. You will want to research several of them, and choose the method of teaching you are most confident in and comfortable with. While it may be tempting to choose the least expensive or most convenient program, you will also want to consider other factors, such as how thorough the education is, what kind of ongoing supervision and support is offered, the type of format you want to teach in (group classes vs. individualized instruction, in a church or medical setting, etc), and the philosophy of the particular program. You may only be familiar with the method you are using, and if you are satisfied with it that certainly would be a logical method for you to pursue training in. But you will invest much of yourself in this endeavor, and it would be good to explore your options a little and become familiar with what is available to you before committing to a specific program.
There are two main types of NFP: Ovulation Method (mucus) and Sympto Thermal Method. In the Ovulation Method, you may want to research the education programs offered by the Pope Paul VI Institute (Fertility Care or Creighton Model), Family of the Americas, and Billings Ovulation Method. Of the Sympto-Thermal Methods, the main education programs are offered through Northwest Family Services and Couple to Couple League. There are other options as well, and what is available to you will vary by what region of the country you are in.
We would be happy to help you sort through this process, if you would like to call our office at 1-877-33-CANFP.
NFP teacher training programs will educate new teachers in all the various signs of fertility, but the teacher will learn to teach a specific methodology. So no, you do not have to learn all the methods to teach, and a teacher would normally use the same method she is teaching.
The teacher training programs vary a great deal in terms of their format, cost, philosophy, and duration. You will want to research several of them, and choose the method of teaching you are most confident in and comfortable with. While it may be tempting to choose the least expensive or most convenient program, you will also want to consider other factors, such as how thorough the education is, what kind of ongoing supervision and support is offered, the type of format you want to teach in (group classes vs. individualized instruction, in a church or medical setting, etc), and the philosophy of the particular program. You may only be familiar with the method you are using, and if you are satisfied with it that certainly would be a logical method for you to pursue training in. But you will invest much of yourself in this endeavor, and it would be good to explore your options a little and become familiar with what is available to you before committing to a specific program.
There are two main types of NFP: Ovulation Method (mucus) and Sympto Thermal Method. In the Ovulation Method, you may want to research the education programs offered by the Pope Paul VI Institute (Fertility Care or Creighton Model), Family of the Americas, and Billings Ovulation Method. Of the Sympto-Thermal Methods, the main education programs are offered through Northwest Family Services and Couple to Couple League. There are other options as well, and what is available to you will vary by what region of the country you are in.
We would be happy to help you sort through this process, if you would like to call our office at 1-877-33-CANFP.
Answered By:

CANFP unites under one umbrella all those who use, teach, and advocate for NFP, and our members are our strongest resource: the physicians who provide authentic women’s healthcare, the Practitioners and Certified Teachers of all the natural methods instructing couples in its use, the couples who use NFP and reflect its values in their families and communities, the clergy providing the spiritual formation and context, and the churches, dioceses, hospitals, and profile organizations who collaborate in providing access to these services throughout the state.
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