At five weeks postpartum my midwife discovered a huge cyst on my left ovary (14cm). A radiologist drained it -32 oz of straw colored fluid. It returned weeks later to almost the same size. It was removed laparascopically and found to be a simple follicular cyst.
Last month (5 1/2 months postpartum) I went for another exam feeling some symptoms, pain on left side, fullness, etc. and the midwife thought she felt something and sent me for an ultrasound. She said that if a cyst was there she would recommend having the ovary removed. The ultrasound showed no cyst but 2cm by 3cm of free fluid in my pelvis indicating that a cyst had possibly ruptured. But, nevertheless, giving me a clean bill of health. However, she thought it appeared that I was ovulating. I am still breastfeeding my daughter and have not had a period yet. I thought follicular cysts occur during ovulation. Can I be ovulating without a period? Could follicular cysts occur without ovulating?
I would like to use the NFP approach but how do you go about it while breastfeeding? I haven’t nursed her during the night for months and she is now having solid food. I’ve done some research but I haven’t heard of my situation.