This is a long question, for which I apologize.
Some background: My OB/Gyn diagnosed me with PCOS, but my primary care doctor is skeptical of that diagnosis because although I have several of the symptoms (slight hirsutism, moderate acne, polycystic ovaries) my hormonal levels were all normal, I’m thin and I’m not insulin-resistant. My charted cycles are all over the place. One month is a textbook example with a BBT rise of 0.4 degrees and a luteal phase of 14 days (a 34-day cycle). Other cycles are only 24-26 days long, and if any BBT rise is present, it’s a very weak rise, and the luteal phases are much shorter–as short as five days. My last few cycles have been up and down like a yo-yo. Last month my cycle was 37 days long, with no discernible rise in BBT. This month, I’m on day 40 of my cycle — and my chart looks nearly like a sine wave. Temperature up to 98.1 one day, then down to 96.9 the next. Up and down, up and down. Aside from my cycles becoming more irregular, over the last few months my menses have also changed — from five days of bleeding to two days of normal bleeding, one day of light bleeding and two days of brown spotting. Are there any reasons for this? I’m not so much worried about interpreting my charts for family planning purposes as I am worried about whether my crazy charts might indicate some sort of problem…
Thank you so much.